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26. Natural Theory / C. Causation / 4. Naturalised causation

[causation explained in terms of natural phenomena]

28 ideas
Is there cause outside matter, and can it be separated, and is it one or many? [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: We must especially inquire and investigate whether there is any cause beyond matter in itself or not, and whether this is separable or not, and whether it is one or many in number.
     From: Aristotle (Metaphysics [c.324 BCE], 0995b28)
Some say that causes are physical, some say not [Sext.Empiricus]
     Full Idea: Some affirm cause to be corporeal, some incorporeal.
     From: Sextus Empiricus (Outlines of Pyrrhonism [c.180], III.14)
The old 'influx' view of causation says it is a flow of accidental properties from A to B [Suárez, by Jolley]
     Full Idea: The 'influx' model of causation says that causes involve a process of contagion, as it were; when the kettle boils, the gas infects the water inside the kettle with its own 'individual accident' of heat, which literally flows from one to the other.
     From: report of Francisco Suárez (works [1588]) by Nicholas Jolley - Leibniz Ch.2
     A reaction: This nicely captures the scholastic target of Hume's sceptical thinking on the subject. However, see Idea 2542, where the idea of influx has had a revival. It is hard to see how the water could change if it didn't 'catch' something from the gas.
Causes are the substances which have the powers to produce action [Locke]
     Full Idea: Power being the source from whence all action proceeds, the substances wherein these powers are, when they exert this power into act, are called 'causes'.
     From: John Locke (Essay Conc Human Understanding (2nd Ed) [1694], 2.22.11)
     A reaction: This is causes as actual entities, rather than as conjunctions of events. Personally I find this view of Locke's very congenial, no matter how unfashionable it may be.
A causal interaction is when two processes intersect, and correlated modifications persist afterwards [Salmon]
     Full Idea: When two processes intersect, and they undergo correlated modifications which persist after the intersection, I shall say that the intersection is a causal interaction. I take this as a fundamental causal concept.
     From: Wesley Salmon (Causality: Production and Propagation [1980], §4)
     A reaction: There may be a problem individuating processes, just as there is for events. I like this approach to causation, which is ontologically sparse, and fits in with the scientific worldview. Change of properties sounds precise, but isn't. Stick to processes.
Negative causations supervene on positive causations plus their laws? [Armstrong]
     Full Idea: Is it not very plausible that negative causations supervene on the positive causations together with the laws that govern the positive causations?
     From: David M. Armstrong (Truth and Truthmakers [2004], 05.2.3)
     A reaction: This obviously has a naturalistic appeal, since all causation can then be based on the actual world.
Science has shown that causal relations are just transfers of energy or momentum [Fair, by Sosa/Tooley]
     Full Idea: Basic causal relations can, as a consequence of our scientific knowledge, be identified with certain physicalistic [sic] relations between objects that can be characterized in terms of transference of either energy or momentum between objects.
     From: report of David Fair (Causation and the Flow of Energy [1979]) by E Sosa / M Tooley - Introduction to 'Causation' §1
     A reaction: Presumably a transfer of momentum is a transfer of energy. If only anyone had the foggiest idea what energy actually is, we'd be doing well. What is energy made of? 'No identity without substance', I say. I like Fair's idea.
Fair shifted his view to talk of counterfactuals about energy flow [Fair, by Schaffer,J]
     Full Idea: Fair, who originated the energy flow view of causation, moved to a view that understands connection in terms of counterfactuals about energy flow.
     From: report of David Fair (Causation and the Flow of Energy [1979]) by Jonathan Schaffer - The Metaphysics of Causation 2.1.2
     A reaction: David Fair was a pupil of David Lewis, the king of the counterfactual view. To me that sounds like a disappointing move, but it is hard to think that a mere flow of energy through space would amount to causation. Cause must work back from an effect.
Reductionists can't explain accidents, uninstantiated laws, probabilities, or the existence of any laws [Tooley]
     Full Idea: Reductionist accounts of causation cannot distinguish laws from accidental uniformities, cannot allow for basic uninstantiated laws, can't explain probabilistic laws, and cannot even demonstrate the existence of laws.
     From: Michael Tooley (Causality: Reductionism versus Realism [1990], 2)
     A reaction: I am tempted to say that this is so much the worse for the idea of laws. Extensive regularities only occur for a reason. Probabilities aren't laws. Hypothetical facts will cover uninstantiated laws. Laws are just patterns.
Causation isn't energy transfer, because an electron is caused by previous temporal parts [Sosa/Tooley]
     Full Idea: The temporal parts of an electron (for example) are causally related, but this relation does not involve any transfer of energy or momentum. Causation cannot be identified with physical energy relations, and physicalist reductions look unpromising.
     From: E Sosa / M Tooley (Introduction to 'Causation' [1993], §1)
     A reaction: This idea, plus Idea 8327, are their grounds for rejecting Fair's proposal (Idea 8326). It feels like a different use of 'cause' when we say 'the existence of x was caused by its existence yesterday'. It is more like inertia. Destruction needs energy.
If direction of causation is just direction of energy transfer, that seems to involve causation [Sosa/Tooley]
     Full Idea: The objection to Fair's view that the direction of causation is the direction of the transference of energy and/or momentum is that the concept of transference itself involves the idea of causation.
     From: E Sosa / M Tooley (Introduction to 'Causation' [1993], §1)
     A reaction: Does it? If a particle proceeds from a to b, how is that causation? ...But the problem is that the particle kicks open the door when it arrives (i.e. makes changes). We wouldn't call it causation if the transference didn't change any properties.
Causation in the material world is energy-transfer, of motion, electricity or gravity [McGinn]
     Full Idea: Causation in the material world works by energy transfer of some sort: transfer of motion, of electrical energy, of gravitational force.
     From: Colin McGinn (The Mysterious Flame [1999], p.92)
We should analyse causation in terms of powers, not vice versa [Molnar]
     Full Idea: Causal analyses of powers pre-empt the correct account of causation in terms of powers.
     From: George Molnar (Powers [1998], 4.2.3)
     A reaction: I think this is my preferred view. The crucial point is that powers are active, so one is not needing to add some weird 'causation' ingredient to a world which would otherwise be passive and inert. That is a relic from the interventions of God.
A cause has its effects in virtue of its properties [Crane]
     Full Idea: Some philosophers say that a cause has its effects in virtue of its properties.
     From: Tim Crane (Causation [1995], 1.4.2)
     A reaction: The trouble with this approach, I think, is that it encourages us to invent dubious properties, because every explanation of an effect will require one. Dormative properties, for example, are ascribed to sleeping pills.
Physical causation consists in transference of conserved quantities [Dowe, by Mumford/Anjum]
     Full Idea: For Dowe physical causation consists in transference of conserved quantities.
     From: report of Phil Dowe (Physical Causation [2000]) by S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum - Getting Causes from Powers 10.2
     A reaction: [see Psillos 2002 on this] This is evidently a modification of the idea of physical causation as energy-transfer, but narrowing it down to exclude trivial cases. I guess. Need better physics.
Causation interaction is an exchange of conserved quantities, such as mass, energy or charge [Dowe, by Psillos]
     Full Idea: Dowe argues that a 'causal process' is a world line of an object with a conserved quantity (such as mass, energy, momentum, charge), and a 'causal interaction' is an exchange between two such objects.
     From: report of Phil Dowe (Physical Causation [2000]) by Stathis Psillos - Causation and Explanation §4.4
     A reaction: This looks very promising. Nice distinction between causal process and causal interaction. 'Conserved quantities' is better physics than just 'energy'. We can hand causation over to the scientist?
We should explain causation by powers, not powers by causation [Bird]
     Full Idea: The notion of 'causal power' is not to be analysed in terms of causation; if anything, the relationship is the reverse.
     From: Alexander Bird (Nature's Metaphysics [2007], 4.2.1 n71)
     A reaction: It is a popular view these days to take causation as basic (as opposed to the counterfactual account), but I prefer this view. If anything is basic in nature, it is the dynamic force in the engine room, which is the active powers of substances.
Causation transcends nature, because absences can cause things [Schaffer,J]
     Full Idea: The main argument for causation being transcendent (rather than being immanent in nature) is that absences can be involved in causal relations. Thus a rock-climber is caused to survive by not falling.
     From: Jonathan Schaffer (The Metaphysics of Causation [2007], 1.1)
     A reaction: I don't like that. The obvious strategy is to redescribe the events. Even being hit with a brick could be described as an 'absence of brick-prevention'. So not being hit by a brick can be described as 'presence of brick prevention'.
Causation may not be a process, if a crucial part of the process is 'disconnected' [Schaffer,J]
     Full Idea: One problem case for the process view of causation is 'disconnection'. If a brick breaks a window by being fired from a catapult, a latch is released which was preventing the catapult from firing, so the 'process' is just internal to the catapult.
     From: Jonathan Schaffer (The Metaphysics of Causation [2007], 2.1.1)
     A reaction: Schaffer says the normal reply is to deny that the catch-releasing is genuinely causal. I would have thought we should go more fine-grained, and identify linked components of the causal process.
A causal process needs to be connected to the effect in the right way [Schaffer,J]
     Full Idea: A problem case for the process view of causation is 'misconnection'. A process may be connected to an effect, without being causal, as when someone watches an act of vandalism in dismay.
     From: Jonathan Schaffer (The Metaphysics of Causation [2007], 2.1.1)
     A reaction: This is a better objection to the process view than Idea 10377. If I push a window with increasing force until it breaks, the process is continuous, but it suddenly becomes a cause.
Causation can't be a process, because a process needs causation as a primitive [Schaffer,J]
     Full Idea: It might be that if causation is said to be a process, then a process is nothing more than a causal sequence, so that causation is primitive.
     From: Jonathan Schaffer (The Metaphysics of Causation [2007], 2.1.2)
     A reaction: This again is tempting (as well as the primitivist view of probabilistic causation). If one tries to define a process as mere chronology, then the causal and accidental are indistinguishable. I take the label 'primitive' to be just our failure.
Since causal events are related by mechanisms, causation can be analysed in that way [Glennan]
     Full Idea: Causation can be analyzed in terms of mechanisms because (except for fundamental causal interactions) causally related events will be connected by intervening mechanisms.
     From: Stuart Glennan (Mechanisms [2008], 'causation')
     A reaction: This won't give us the metaphysics of causation (which concerns the fundamentals), but this strikes me as a very coherent and interesting proposal. He mentions electron interaction as non-mechanistic causation.
Causation is the passing around of powers [Mumford/Anjum]
     Full Idea: Causation is the passing around of powers.
     From: S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum (Getting Causes from Powers [2011], 5.5 3)
     A reaction: Hm. This doesn't feel right. Compare 'causation is the passing around of tennis balls'. Can you explain what a power is without mentioning causation?
The main process theory of causation says it is transference of mass, energy, momentum or charge [Baron/Miller]
     Full Idea: According to contemporary process theories of causation it consists of the transference of a 'mark', which is always some conserved quantity. Candidates (from science) are mass, energy, momentum and electric charge.
     From: Baron,S/Miller,K (Intro to the Philosophy of Time [2019], 6.2.2)
     A reaction: Given my commitment to physicalism, this is my preferred theory of causation. It began with the suggestion of energy-transfer, but has broadened into the present idea. It is an updated version of the Newton view, as the meeting of objects.
If causes are processes, what is causation by omission? (Distinguish legal from scientific causes?) [Baron/Miller]
     Full Idea: Process theories of causation face a serious problem, such as killing a plant by failing to water it - a cause by omission. …Defenders of the theory propose two concepts of causation: one for legal and one for scientific contexts.
     From: Baron,S/Miller,K (Intro to the Philosophy of Time [2019], 6.2.3)
     A reaction: Not much of a problem, I think. Clearly the scientific concept has priority. The plant died of dehydration, resulting from the consumption and evaporation of the available water. The human causes of that situation are legion.
Casuation is the transmission of conserved quantities between causal processes [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: Causal process theories state that causation needs to be understood in terms of causal processes and their interactions, in which conserved quantities are transmitted between causal processes.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 1.5)
     A reaction: Sounds a bit circular, but the idea of transmission of something is obviously the main point. I like this idea a lot (because it is so naturalistic), but rarely find it taken seriously. Energy is usually the quantity picked out.
Interventionist causal theory says it gets a reliable result whenever you manipulate it [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: The core of agency and interventionist theories of causation is that c counts as the cause of e iff E reliably appears and disappears when you manipulate C.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 2.1)
     A reaction: [C is the type of c; E is the type of e] James Woodward champions this view. Ingthorsson objects that the theory offers no explanation of the appearances and disappearances. You can't manipulate black holes…
Causation as transfer only works for asymmetric interactions [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: The transference model of causation only works for asymmetric interactions.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 4.11)
     A reaction: This is usually the transfer of energy. I liked the theory until I read this.