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5. Theory of Logic / F. Referring in Logic / 1. Naming / a. Names

[general ideas about how names function in sentences]

32 ideas
A name is a sort of tool [Plato]
     Full Idea: A name is a sort of tool.
     From: Plato (Cratylus [c.377 BCE], 388a)
     A reaction: Idea 13775 gives a background for this metaphor, from earlier in the text. Wittgenstein has a famous toolkit metaphor for language. The whole of this text, 'Cratylus', is about names.
A name-giver might misname something, then force other names to conform to it [Plato]
     Full Idea: The name-giver might have made a mistake at the beginning and then forced the other names to be consistent with it.
     From: Plato (Cratylus [c.377 BCE], 436c)
     A reaction: Lovely. This is Gareth Evans's 'Madagascar' example. See Idea 9041.
Things must be known before they are named, so it can't be the names that give us knowledge [Plato]
     Full Idea: If things cannot be learned except from their names, how can we possibly claim that the name-givers or rule-setters have knowledge before any names had been given for them to know?
     From: Plato (Cratylus [c.377 BCE], 438b)
     A reaction: Running through this is a hostility to philosophy of language, so I find it very congenial. We are animals who relate to the world before language takes a grip. We have full-blown knowledge of things, with no intervention of words.
People who can't apply names usually don't understand the thing to which it applies [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: Someone who goes wrong in relating an idea to a name will usually go wrong about the thing he wants the name to stand for.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (New Essays on Human Understanding [1704], 2.29)
     A reaction: This seems to give tentative support to a Millian account of names, whose only content is just the thing which is named. Leibniz's observation certainly seems to be right.
All names are names of something, real or imaginary [Mill]
     Full Idea: All names are names of something, real or imaginary.
     From: John Stuart Mill (System of Logic [1843], p.32), quoted by Mark Sainsbury - The Essence of Reference 18.2
     A reaction: Mill's example of of being like a chalk mark on a door, but Sainsbury points out that names can be detached from bearers in a way that chalk marks can't.
We can treat designation by a few words as a proper name [Frege]
     Full Idea: The designation of a single object can also consist of several words or other signs. For brevity, let every such designation be called a proper name.
     From: Gottlob Frege (On Sense and Reference [1892]), quoted by Bernard Linsky - Quantification and Descriptions 1
     A reaction: Frege regards names and descriptions as in the same class. Russell, and then Kripke, had things to say about that.
In 'Etna is higher than Vesuvius' the whole of Etna, including all the lava, can't be the reference [Frege]
     Full Idea: The reference of 'Etna' cannot be Mount Etna itself, because each piece of frozen lava which is part of Mount Etna would then also be part of the thought that Etna is higher than Vesuvius.
     From: Gottlob Frege (Letters to Jourdain [1910], p.43)
     A reaction: This seems to be a straight challenge to Kripke's baptismal account of reference. I think I side with Kripke. Frege is allergic to psychological accounts, but the mind only has the capacity to think of the aspect of Etna that is relevant.
You can understand 'author of Waverley', but to understand 'Scott' you must know who it applies to [Russell]
     Full Idea: If you understand English you would understand the phrase 'the author of Waverley' if you had not heard it before, whereas you would not understand the meaning of 'Scott', because to know the meaning of a name is to know who it is applied to.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Philosophy of Logical Atomism [1918], §VI)
     A reaction: Actually, you would find 'Waverley' a bit baffling too. Would you understand "he was the author of his own destruction"? You can understand "Homer was the author of this" without knowing quite who 'Homer' applies to. All very tricky.
There are a set of criteria for pinning down a logically proper name [Russell, by Sainsbury]
     Full Idea: A logically proper name must be semantically simple, have just one referent, be understood by the user, be scopeless, is not a definite description, and rigidly designates.
     From: report of Bertrand Russell (The Philosophy of Logical Atomism [1918], 24th pg) by Mark Sainsbury - The Essence of Reference Intro
     A reaction: Famously, Russell's hopes of achieving this logically desirable end got narrower and narrower, and ended with 'this' or 'that'. Maybe pure language can't do the job.
Names represent a uniformity in experience, or they name nothing [Lewis,CI]
     Full Idea: A name must represent some uniformity in experience or it names nothing.
     From: C.I. Lewis (A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori [1923], p.368)
     A reaction: I like this because, in the quintessentially linguistic debate about the exact logical role of names, it reminds us that names arise because of the way reality is; they are not sui generis private games for logicians.
A person's name doesn't mean their body; bodies don't sit down, and their existence can be denied [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: The meaning of the words 'Professor Moore' is not a certain human body, because we do not say that the meaning sits on the sofa, and the words occur in the proposition 'Professor Moore does not exist'.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Lectures 1930-32 (student notes) [1931], B Easter)
     A reaction: Brilliant. Love it. Kripke ending up denying the existence of 'meanings'.
Naming is a preparation for description [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: Naming is a preparation for description.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations [1952], §049)
     A reaction: Something has to be the starting point for a description. And yet a description could turn out to be an elaborate name.
Names are primitive, and cannot be analysed [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: A name cannot be dissected any further by means of a definition: it is a primitive sign.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [1921], 3.26)
     A reaction: All logicians and analytic philosophers seem to agree on this. He means terms which pick out specific objects.
If we had to name objects to make existence claims, we couldn't discuss all the real numbers [Quine]
     Full Idea: Since one wants to say that real numbers exist and yet one cannot name each of them, it is not unreasonable to relinquish the connection between naming an object and making an existence claim about it.
     From: Willard Quine (works [1961]), quoted by Alex Orenstein - W.V. Quine Ch.2
     A reaction: One could say that same about people, such as 'the most recent citizen of Brazil'. Some sort of successful reference seems to be needed, such as 'the next prime beyond the biggest so far found'. Depends what your predicate is going to be.
Anything which refers tends to be called a 'name', even if it isn't a noun [Marcus (Barcan)]
     Full Idea: The tendency has been to call any expression a 'name', however distant from the grammatical category of nouns, provided it is seen as referring.
     From: Ruth Barcan Marcus (Nominalism and Substitutional Quantifiers [1978], p.162)
Nominalists see proper names as a main vehicle of reference [Marcus (Barcan)]
     Full Idea: For a nominalist with an ontology of empirically distinguishable objects, proper names are seen as a primary vehicle of reference.
     From: Ruth Barcan Marcus (Nominalism and Substitutional Quantifiers [1978], p.162)
Using proper names properly doesn't involve necessary and sufficient conditions [Putnam]
     Full Idea: The important thing about proper names is that it would be ridiculous to think that having linguistic competence can be equated in their case with knowledge of a necessary and sufficient condition.
     From: Hilary Putnam (Explanation and Reference [1973], II B)
Maybe proper names involve essentialism [Plantinga]
     Full Idea: Perhaps the notion of a proper name itself involves essentialism.
     From: Alvin Plantinga (De Re and De Dicto [1969], p.43)
     A reaction: This is just before Kripke's announcement of 'rigid designation', which seems to have relaunched modern essentialism. The thought is that you can't name something, if you don't have a stable notion of what is (and isn't) being named.
Names are rigid, making them unlike definite descriptions [Kripke, by Sainsbury]
     Full Idea: It was important to Kripke to contrast the rigidity of names with the non-rigidity of many or most definite descriptions.
     From: report of Saul A. Kripke (Naming and Necessity lectures [1970]) by Mark Sainsbury - The Essence of Reference 18.6
     A reaction: Philosophers always want sharp distinctions, but there are tricky names like 'Homer' and 'Jack the Ripper' where the name is stable, but its referent wobbles.
Names are rigid designators, which designate the same object in all possible worlds [Kripke]
     Full Idea: I will call something a 'rigid designator' if in every possible world it designates the same object, ..and I will maintain the intuitive thesis that names are rigid designators.
     From: Saul A. Kripke (Naming and Necessity lectures [1970], Lecture 1)
     A reaction: The immediate problem seems to be objects that change across possible worlds. Did nature rigidly designate Aristotle (e.g. by his DNA)? Could Aristotle have been shorter, female, cleverer, his own twin? Is the River Thames rigid?
We must distinguish what the speaker denotes by a name, from what the name denotes [Evans]
     Full Idea: There are two related but distinguishable questions concerning proper names: what the speaker denotes (upon an occasion), and what the name denotes.
     From: Gareth Evans (The Causal Theory of Names [1973], §I)
     A reaction: I don't think any account of language makes sense without this sort of distinction, as in my favourite example: the password is 'swordfish'. So how does language gets its own meanings, independent of what speakers intend?
How can an expression be a name, if names can change their denotation? [Evans]
     Full Idea: We need an account of what makes an expression into a name for something that will allow names to change their denotations.
     From: Gareth Evans (The Causal Theory of Names [1973], §II)
     A reaction: Presumably an example would be 'The Prime Minister is in the building'. Evans proposes to discuss communication, rather than strict meanings and descriptions.
A private intention won't give a name a denotation; the practice needs it to be made public [Evans]
     Full Idea: Intentions alone don't bring it about that a name gets a denotation; without the intention being manifest there cannot be the common knowledge required for the practice.
     From: Gareth Evans (The Causal Theory of Names [1973], §II)
     A reaction: Well, I might have a private name for some hated colleague which I mutter to myself whenever I see her. The way names, and language generally, becomes ossified is by joining the great impersonal sea of the language. ..waves of bones,
In logic, a name is just any expression which refers to a particular single object [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The important thing about a name, for logical purposes, is that it is used to make a singular reference to a particular object; ..we say that any expression too may be counted as a name, for our purposes, it it too performs the same job.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 3.1)
     A reaction: He cites definite descriptions as the most notoriously difficult case, in deciding whether or not they function as names. I takes it as pretty obvious that sometimes they do and sometimes they don't (in ordinary usage).
'Paderewski' has two names in mentalese, for his pianist file and his politician file [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Paderewski (as pianist and as politician) has two names in Mentalese. If you think there are two Paderewskis, it's important that what you get when you retrieve the pianist file differs from the politician file. You can then merge the two files.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.3 App)
     A reaction: The same will apply to 'Hespherus' and 'Phosphorus'. We can re-separate the 'morning star' and 'evening star' files if we wish to discuss ancient Egyptian attitudes to such things. I love this idea of Fodor's. Explanations flow from it.
Names in thought afford a primitive way to bring John before the mind [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Names in thought (in contrast to, say, descriptions in thought) afford a primitive way of bringing John before the mind.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.3 App)
     A reaction: I think the 'file' account of concepts which Fodor has now latched onto gives a wonderful account of names. They are simple if you haven't opened the file yet (like 'Louis', in Evans's example).
'Jocasta' needs to be distinguished from 'Oedipus's mother' because they are connected by different properties [Fodor]
     Full Idea: If the concept 'Jocasta' needs to be distinguished from the concept 'Oedipus's mother', that's all right because the two concepts are connected with different properties.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (Psychosemantics [1987], p. 84)
We only grasp a name if we know whether to apply it when the bearer changes [Jubien]
     Full Idea: We cannot be said to have a full grasp of a name unless we have a definite disposition to apply it or to withhold it under whatever conceivable changes the bearer of the name might come to undergo.
     From: Michael Jubien (Possibility [2009], 5.3)
     A reaction: This is right, and an excellent counterproposal to the logicians' notion that names have to rigidly designate. As a bare minimum, you are not supposed to deny the identity of your parents because they have grown a bit older, or a damaged painting.
The baptiser picks the bearer of a name, but social use decides the category [Jubien]
     Full Idea: The person who introduces a proper name gets to pick its bearer, but its category - and consequently the meaning of the name - is determined by social use.
     From: Michael Jubien (Possibility [2009], 7)
     A reaction: New 'division of labour'. The idea that a name has some sort of meaning seems right and important. If babies were switched after baptism, social use might fix the name to the new baby. The namer could stipulate the category at the baptism. Too neat.
Philosophy is stuck on the Fregean view that an individual is anything with a proper name [Simons]
     Full Idea: Modern philosophy is still under the spell of Frege's view that an individual is anything that has a proper name. (Note: But not only are empty names now recognised, but some are aware of the existence of plural reference).
     From: Peter Simons (Parts [1987], 8.1)
     A reaction: Presumably every electron in the universe is an individual, and every (finite) number which has never been named has a pretty clear identity. Presumably Pegasus, John Doe, and 'the person in the kitchen' have to be accommodated.
We negate predicates but do not negate names [Westerhoff]
     Full Idea: We negate predicates but do not negate names.
     From: Jan Westerhoff (Ontological Categories [2005], §88)
     A reaction: This is a point for anyone like Ramsey who wants to collapse the distinction between particulars and universals, or singular terms and their predicates.
Semantic theory should specify when an act of naming is successful [Sawyer]
     Full Idea: A semantic theory of names should deliver a specification of the conditions under which a name names an individual, and hence a specification of the conditions under which a name is empty.
     From: Sarah Sawyer (Empty Names [2012], 1)
     A reaction: Naming can be private, like naming my car 'Bertrand', but never tell anyone. I like Plato's remark that names are 'tools'. Do we specify conditions for successful spanner-usage? The first step must be individuation, preparatory to naming.