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25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 5. Education / d. Study of history

[ideas about the study and teaching of history]

19 ideas
It is heresy to teach that history repeats every 36,000 years [Anon (Par)]
     Full Idea: It is heresy to teach that with all the heavenly bodies coming back to the same point after a period of thirty-six thousand years, the same effects as now exist will reappear.
     From: Anon (Par) (The Condemnation of 1277 [1277], §92)
Persons are shaped by a life history; splendid persons are shaped by world history [Novalis]
     Full Idea: What is it that shapes a person if not his life history? And in the same way a splendid person is shaped by nothing other than world history. Many people live better in the past and in the future than in the present.
     From: Novalis (Last Fragments [1800], 15)
     A reaction: Clearly there is a lot to be said for splendid people who live entirely in the present (such as jazz musicians). Some people do have an awesomely wide historical perspective on their immediate lives. Palaeontology is not the master discipline though!
We should all agree that there is reason in history [Hegel]
     Full Idea: We ought to have the firm and unconquerable belief that there is reason in history.
     From: Georg W.F.Hegel (Introduction to the Philosophy of History [1840], 2)
     A reaction: This is a ridiculous but hugely influential idea, and I have no idea what makes Hegel believe it. It is the Stoic idea that nature is intrinsically rational, but extending it to human history is absurd. Human exceptionalism. Needs a dose of Darwin.
History is the progress of the consciousness of freedom [Hegel]
     Full Idea: The History of the World is none other than than the progress of the consciousness of freedom.
     From: Georg W.F.Hegel (Phenomenology of Spirit [1807]), quoted by Peter Singer - Marx 2
     A reaction: [no ref given] Presumably there is an evolutionary view implicit in this. Presumably also later generations are hereby superior to previous generations. Since no one still has this view of history, does that invalidate Hegel?
Human history must always be studied in relation to industry and exchange [Marx/Engels]
     Full Idea: The 'history of humanity' must always be studied and treated in relation to the history of industry and exchange.
     From: K Marx / F Engels (The German Ideology [1846], §1.A)
     A reaction: There is a lot of truth in this, but why did the Greeks produce Pythagoras, or the Jews produce Jesus, or the British produce Sid Vicious? Two very similar industrial societies can produce very different cultures. Individuals can make a difference.
Most historians are trapped in the illusions of their own epoch [Marx/Engels]
     Full Idea: Most historians see in history just the political actions of princes and states, religious and all sorts of theoretical struggles, and in particular in each historical epoch have had to share the illusion of that epoch.
     From: K Marx / F Engels (The German Ideology [1846], §1.B)
     A reaction: Is it an illusion of our epoch that we share the illusions of our epoch? It seems unfair to say that Marx and Engels can see beyond the illusions of their epoch, but some historian writing about the Wars of the Roses can't. Princes were important.
The history of all existing society is the history of class struggles [Marx/Engels]
     Full Idea: The history of all existing society is the history of class struggles.
     From: K Marx / F Engels (The Communist Manifesto [1848], §1)
     A reaction: This seems to make, say, the English Peasants' Revolt of 1481 crucial, and the building of Lincoln Cathedral fairly minor. Where does the advent of the telephone figure? Etc. Still, we must concede his point. Most medieval history is about power.
History does not concern what really happened, but supposed events, which have all the influence [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: The writer of history deals not with what really happened but merely with supposed events, for only the latter have had an effect. ...All historians speak of things that have never existed except in imagination.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Dawn (Daybreak) [1881], 307)
     A reaction: This seems blatantly true, and is most obvious in the case of forged documents which have been hugely influential. Erroneous conspiracy theories are another example. (Note: only scorn conspiracy theories if you think conspiracies never happen!).
Our growth is too subtle to perceive, and long events are too slow for us to grasp [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: The slowness of the events in the history of human beings is not suited to the human sense of time - and the subtlety and smallness of all growth defies human vision.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1881-82 [1882], 15[41])
     A reaction: The only way we can study history is by 'periods'. It is as if English history has its slate wiped clean in 1066, 1485, 1603 and 1689. All historians know that the reality of it all is totally beyond our grasp.
After history following God, or a people, or an idea, we now see it in terms of animals [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Earlier we sought God's intentions in history: then an unconscious purposefulness, in a people or an idea. Only recently are we considering the history of animals, and the first insight is that no plan has so far existed. Coincidences have been dominant.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1884-85 [1884], 25[127])
     A reaction: Not a Whig historian then! Presumably Hegel is his main target. In 2024 there is a definite feeling that western democracies are regressing.
We should evaluate the past morally [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: For the past I desire above all a moral evaluation.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Unpublished Notebooks 1872-74 [1873], 29 [096])
     A reaction: There is a bit of a contradiction with Idea 14819, of only a few years later. He was always interested in a historical approach to morality, but I'm not sure if his ethics gives a decent basis for moral assessments of remote historical eras.
Dividing history books into separate chapters is disastrous [Weil]
     Full Idea: The division of history textbooks into chapters will cost us many disastrous mistakes.
     From: Simone Weil (Fragments [1936], p.131)
     A reaction: Nice observation. The point is that we fail to grasp what really happened if we draw sharp lines across history.
Despite endless suggestions, no one has found a goal for history [Cioran]
     Full Idea: No one has found a valid goal for history; but everyone has proposed one.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 1 'The Indirect')
     A reaction: This seems to be an attack on the Hegelian idea of destiny that suffused both marxism and fascism in the 1930s.
History is wonderfully devoid of meaning [Cioran]
     Full Idea: That History has no meaning is what should delight our hearts.
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 5)
     A reaction: I have just read a history of the Wars of the Roses, and I wholeheartedly endorse Cioran's view.
History lacks 'meaning', but it can be analysed in terms of its struggles [Foucault]
     Full Idea: History has no 'meaning', but it is not absurd or incoherent. On the contrary, it is intelligible and should be susceptible of analysis down to the smallest detail - but this in accordance with the intelligibility of struggles, of strategies and tactics.
     From: Michel Foucault (Truth and Power (interview) [1976], p.116)
     A reaction: I take this to be an essentially Marxist view, in which one teases out the dialectical processes of any period. I can't think of a better way to approach history. The alternative is to only recount one side of the struggle, which must be bad history.
The arrival of the news media brought history to an end [Baudrillard]
     Full Idea: The course of history came to an end with the entry on the scene of the news media.
     From: Jean Baudrillard (The Intelligence of Evil [2004], p. 83)
     A reaction: The sort of remark for which Baudrillard became famous. It strikes me as nonsense. The view the British people got of the Battle of Trafalgar was even more distorted than their picture of the Battle of El Alamein. We know what he means, though.
In the 18th century history came to be seen as progressive, rather than cyclical [Hösle]
     Full Idea: The turning point in the history of the philosophy of history occurs in the eighteenth century, when the ancient cyclical model of Vico is superseded by the idea of progress.
     From: Vittorio Hösle (A Short History of German Philosophy [2013], 6)
     A reaction: He says that Hegel merely inherited this progressive view, rather than creating it. I'm not sure how widely held the cyclical view was. I don't recognise it in Shakespeare. Science and technology must have suggested progress.
The more you know about history, the harder it becomes to explain [Harari]
     Full Idea: A distinguishing mark of history is that the better you know a historical period, the harder it becomes to explain why things happened one way and not another.
     From: Yuval Noah Harari (Sapiens: brief history of humankind [2014], 13 'Hindsight')
     A reaction: Presumaby that means it resembles statistics. Each individual reading is perplexing, but some patterns emerge on the large scale.
History teaches us that the present was not inevitable, and shows us the possibilities [Harari]
     Full Idea: We study history not to know the future but to widen our horizons, to understand that our present situation is neither natural nor inevitable, and the we consequently have many more possibilities before us than we can imagine.
     From: Yuval Noah Harari (Sapiens: brief history of humankind [2014], 13 'Hindsight')
     A reaction: On the whole winners forget history, and losers are branded through and through with it. If you don't know history, you can never understand the latter group.