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28. God / C. Attitudes to God / 4. God Reflects Humanity

[God as a projection of humanity's own image]

18 ideas
We cannot conceive of God, so we have to think of Him as an immortal version of ourselves [Plato]
     Full Idea: Because we have never seen or formed an adequate idea of a god, we picture him to ourselves as a being of the same kind as ourselves but immortal.
     From: Plato (Phaedrus [c.366 BCE], 246d)
Men imagine gods to be of human shape, with a human lifestyle [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: Just as men imagine gods in human shape, so they imagine their way of life to be like that of men.
     From: Aristotle (Politics [c.332 BCE], 1252b26)
     A reaction: A common Greek observation. It is more significant that we anthropomorphise the thinking of the gods, as well as their physiques and banquets.
The gods are happy, so virtuous, so rational, so must have human shape [Cicero]
     Full Idea: We agree the gods are happy, and no happiness is possible without virtue: there is no virtue without reason: and reason is associated only with the human form: then it must follow that the gods themselves have human shape.
     From: M. Tullius Cicero (On the Nature of the Gods ('De natura deorum') [c.44 BCE], I.48)
The perfections of God were extrapolations from mankind [Sext.Empiricus]
     Full Idea: It is said that …the idea that God is eternal and imperishable and perfect in happiness was introduced by way of transference from mankind.
     From: Sextus Empiricus (Against the Physicists (two books) [c.180], I.045)
     A reaction: This view is found in Hume, and in Feuerbach. I presume 'transference' means extrapolation and idealisation. If God exists, we may have no option but to think of God anthropomorphically.
Thinking of God as resembling humans results from a bad translation of Genesis 1:26 [Maimonides]
     Full Idea: Mistranslation of 'image' has been the cause of a crass anthropomorphism because of the verse 'Let us make man in Our image after Our likeness' (Gen.1:26). They think God has the shape and outline of man, ..with face and hands like themselves.
     From: Moses Maimonides (The Guide of the Perplexed [1190], I.1)
     A reaction: It's interesting that Michelangelo still visualises God as an old man. The idea won't go away, presumably because God is understood as a 'person', in Locke's sense, though of a very special kind.
We could never form a concept of God's wisdom if we couldn't abstract it from creatures [William of Ockham]
     Full Idea: What we abstract is said to belong to perfection in so far as it can be predicated of God and can stand for Him. For if such a concept could not be abstracted from a creature, then in this life we could not arrive at a cognition of God's wisdom.
     From: William of Ockham (Reportatio [1330], III Q viii)
     A reaction: This seems to be the germ of an important argument. Without the ability to abstract from what is experienced, we would not be able to apply general concepts to things which are beyond experience. It is a key idea for empiricism.
The attributes of God just show our inability to conceive his nature [Hobbes]
     Full Idea: All the attributes of God signify our inability and defect of power to conceive any thing concerning his nature.
     From: Thomas Hobbes (The Elements of Law [1640], I.10.2), quoted by Richard Tuck - Hobbes Ch.2
     A reaction: Presumably he means that 'omnipotence' should just be translated as 'mind-boggling power'. St Anselm's concept of God (Idea 1405) is helpful here, placing it at the upper limit of what can actually be conceived.
A talking triangle would say God is triangular [Spinoza]
     Full Idea: If a triangle could speak it would say that God is eminently triangular.
     From: Baruch de Spinoza (Letters to Blijenburgh [1665], 1665), quoted by Matthew Stewart - The Courtier and the Heretic Ch.10
     A reaction: Spinoza had a rather appealing waspish wit. This nicely dramatises an ancient idea (Idea 407). You can, of course, if you believe in God, infer some of His characteristics from His creation. But then see Hume: Ideas 1439, 6960, 6967, 1440.
The idea of an infinite, intelligent, wise and good God arises from augmenting the best qualities of our own minds [Hume]
     Full Idea: The idea of God, as meaning an infinitely intelligent, wise and good being, arises from reflecting on the operations of our own mind, and augmenting, without limit, those qualities of goodness and wisdom.
     From: David Hume (Enquiry Conc Human Understanding [1748], II.14)
In all naturalistic concepts of God, if you remove the human qualities there is nothing left [Kant]
     Full Idea: One can confidently challenge all pretended natural theologians to cite one single definitive attribute of their object, of which one could not irrefutably show that, when everything anthropomorphic is removed, only the word remains.
     From: Immanuel Kant (Critique of Practical Reason [1788], I.II.II.VI)
     A reaction: This idea derives from Hume's very empiricist view of our understanding of God (Idea 2185), but Kant is (remarkably) more hostile than Hume, because he actually implies that most people's concept of God is totally vacuous.
God is the essence of thought, abstracted from the thinker [Hegel, by Feuerbach]
     Full Idea: In Hegel the essence of God is actually nothing other than the essence of thought, or thought abstracted from the ego, that is, from the one who thinks.
     From: report of Georg W.F.Hegel (Phenomenology of Spirit [1807]) by Ludwig Feuerbach - Principles of Philosophy of the Future §23
     A reaction: Presumably Descartes' Cogito is the origin for this train of thought. This is Feuerbach's reading of Hegel, but the former was keen on the idea of God as idealised humanity.
The nature of God is an expression of human nature [Feuerbach]
     Full Idea: God is the manifestation of man's inner nature, his expressed self.
     From: Ludwig Feuerbach (Introduction of 'Essence of Christianity' [1841], II)
     A reaction: Even if you are a deeply committed theist, you have to concede some of this point. The perfections attributed to God are usually of human qualities. Leibniz, though, says that God has an infinity of perfection, mostly unknown to us.
If God is only an object for man, then only the essence of man is revealed in God [Feuerbach]
     Full Idea: If God is only an object of man, what is revealed to us in his essence? Nothing but the essence of man.
     From: Ludwig Feuerbach (Principles of Philosophy of the Future [1843], §07)
     A reaction: It is important to distinguish here between what we could know about God, and what we think God might actually be like. We may well only be able to read the essence of man into God, but we might speculate that God is more than that.
God is for us a mere empty idea, which we fill with our own ego and essence [Feuerbach]
     Full Idea: God exists, but he is for us a tabula rasa, an empty being, a mere idea; God, as we conceive and think of him, is our ego, our mind, and our essence.
     From: Ludwig Feuerbach (Principles of Philosophy of the Future [1843], §17)
     A reaction: He accepted God's existence because of the Ontological Argument. This is a little stronger than Hume's view (Idea 2185), because Hume seems to be talking about imagining God, but Feuerbach says this is our understanding of God.
God is what man would like to be [Feuerbach]
     Full Idea: God is what man would like to be.
     From: Ludwig Feuerbach (Principles of Philosophy of the Future [1843], §29)
     A reaction: It is hard to see how even the most devout person could deny the truth of this. Perhaps the essential hallmark of humanity is a desire to be different from the way we are.
God is the realisation of the possibilities of each man's self [Green,TH]
     Full Idea: God is identical with the self of every man in the sense of being the realisation of its determinate possibilities.…In being conscious of himself man is conscious of God and thus knows that God is, but only in so far as he knows what he himself really is.
     From: T.H. Green (works [1875], iii:226-7), quoted by John H. Muirhead - The Service of the State II
     A reaction: Does this, by the transitivity of identity, imply the identity of all individual men? Do we all contain identical possibilities, which converge on a unified concept of God? I always take the monotheistic God to far exceed mere human possibilities.
Why is God so boring, and why does God resemble humanity so little? [Cioran]
     Full Idea: Why is God so dull, so feeble, so inadequately picturesque? Why does He lack interest, vigor, actuality and resemble us so little? Is there any image less anthropomorphic and more gratuitously remote?
     From: E.M. Cioran (A Short History of Decay [1949], 1 'The Devil')
     A reaction: This seems to be directed at those like Feuerbach who said that we had merely created God as a glorified image of humanity.
During the rise of civilizations, the main gods changed from female to male [Watson]
     Full Idea: Around the time of the rise of the first great civilizations, the main gods changed sex, as the Great Goddess, or a raft of smaller goddesses, were demoted and male gods took their place.
     From: Peter Watson (Ideas [2005], Ch.05)
     A reaction: Why? War, perhaps?