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5. Theory of Logic / A. Overview of Logic / 6. Classical Logic

[system of logic accepted as the modern norm]

27 ideas
Demonstrations by reductio assume excluded middle [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: Demonstrations by reduction to the impossible assume that everything is asserted or denied.
     From: Aristotle (Posterior Analytics [c.327 BCE], 77a23)
     A reaction: This sounds like the lynchpin of classical logic.
A language: primitive terms, then definition rules, then sentences, then axioms, and finally inference rules [Tarski]
     Full Idea: For a language, we must enumerate the primitive terms, and the rules of definition for new terms. Then we must distinguish the sentences, and separate out the axioms from amng them, and finally add rules of inference.
     From: Alfred Tarski (The Establishment of Scientific Semantics [1936], p.402)
     A reaction: [compressed] This lays down the standard modern procedure for defining a logical language. Once all of this is in place, we then add a semantics and we are in business. Natural deduction tries to do without the axioms.
Elementary logic requires truth-functions, quantifiers (and variables), identity, and also sets of variables [Quine]
     Full Idea: Elementary logic, as commonly systematized nowadays, comprises truth-function theory (involving 'or', 'and', 'not' etc.), quantifiers (and their variables), and identity theory ('='). In addition, set theory requires classes among values of variables.
     From: Willard Quine (Carnap and Logical Truth [1954], II)
     A reaction: Quine is famous for trying to squeeze properties out of the picture, which would then block higher-order logics (which quantify over properties). Quine's list gives a nice programme for a student of the philosophy of logic to understand.
In classical logic, logical truths are valid formulas; in higher-order logics they are purely logical [Dummett]
     Full Idea: For sentential or first-order logic, the logical truths are represented by valid formulas; in higher-order logics, by sentences formulated in purely logical terms.
     From: Michael Dummett (Frege philosophy of mathematics [1991], Ch. 3)
Deductive logic is the only logic there is [Harman]
     Full Idea: Deductive logic is the only logic there is.
     From: Gilbert Harman (Thought [1973], 10.4)
Truth is the basic notion in classical logic [Bostock]
     Full Idea: The most fundamental notion in classical logic is that of truth.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 1.1)
     A reaction: The opening sentence of his book. Hence the first half of the book is about semantics, and only the second half deals with proof. Compare Idea 10282. The thought seems to be that you could leave out truth, but that makes logic pointless.
Elementary logic cannot distinguish clearly between the finite and the infinite [Bostock]
     Full Idea: In very general terms, we cannot express the distinction between what is finite and what is infinite without moving essentially beyond the resources available in elementary logic.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 4.8)
     A reaction: This observation concludes a discussion of Compactness in logic.
Fictional characters wreck elementary logic, as they have contradictions and no excluded middle [Bostock]
     Full Idea: Discourse about fictional characters leads to a breakdown of elementary logic. We accept P or ¬P if the relevant story says so, but P∨¬P will not be true if the relevant story says nothing either way, and P∧¬P is true if the story is inconsistent.
     From: David Bostock (Intermediate Logic [1997], 8.5)
     A reaction: I really like this. Does one need to invent a completely new logic for fictional characters? Or must their logic be intuitionist, or paraconsistent, or both?
Classical logic is our preconditions for assessing empirical evidence [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: In my terminology, classical logic (or at least, its most central tenets) consists of propositional preconditions for our assessing empirical evidence in the way we do.
     From: Philip Kitcher (A Priori Knowledge Revisited [2000], §VII)
     A reaction: I like an even stronger version of this - that classical logic arises out of our experiences of things, and so we are just assessing empirical evidence in terms of other (generalised) empirical evidence. Logic results from induction. Very unfashionable.
I believe classical logic because I was taught it and use it, but it could be undermined [Kitcher]
     Full Idea: I believe the laws of classical logic, in part because I was taught them, and in part because I think I see how those laws are used in assessing evidence. But my belief could easily be undermined by experience.
     From: Philip Kitcher (A Priori Knowledge Revisited [2000], §VII)
     A reaction: Quine has one genuine follower! The trouble is his first sentence would fit witch-doctoring just as well. Kitcher went to Cambridge; I hope he doesn't just believe things because he was taught them, or because he 'sees how they are used'!
Classical logic is bivalent, has excluded middle, and only quantifies over existent objects [Jacquette]
     Full Idea: Classical logic (of Whitehead, Russell, Gödel, Church) is a two-valued system of propositional and predicate logic, in which all propositions are exclusively true or false, and quantification and predication are over existent objects only.
     From: Dale Jacquette (Intro to I: Classical Logic [2002], p.9)
     A reaction: All of these get challenged at some point, though the existence requirement is the one I find dubious.
Indeterminacy is in conflict with classical logic [Fine,K]
     Full Idea: I now believe that the existence of indeterminacy is in conflict with classical logic.
     From: Kit Fine (Vagueness: a global approach [2020], 3)
     A reaction: I think that prior to this Fine had defended classical logic. Presumably the difficulty is over Bivalence. Nietzsche spotted this problem, despite not being a logician. Logic has to simplify the world. Hence philosophy is quite different from logic.
Classical logic neglects the non-mathematical, such as temporality or modality [Burgess]
     Full Idea: There are topics of great philosophical interest that classical logic neglects because they are not important to mathematics. …These include distinctions of past, present and future, or of necessary, actual and possible.
     From: John P. Burgess (Philosophical Logic [2009], 1.1)
Classical logic neglects counterfactuals, temporality and modality, because maths doesn't use them [Burgess]
     Full Idea: Classical logic neglects counterfactual conditionals for the same reason it neglects temporal and modal distinctions, namely, that they play no serious role in mathematics.
     From: John P. Burgess (Philosophical Logic [2009], 4.1)
     A reaction: Science obviously needs counterfactuals, and metaphysics needs modality. Maybe so-called 'classical' logic will be renamed 'basic mathematical logic'. Philosophy will become a lot clearer when that happens.
The Cut Rule expresses the classical idea that entailment is transitive [Burgess]
     Full Idea: The Cut rule (from A|-B and B|-C, infer A|-C) directly expresses the classical doctrine that entailment is transitive.
     From: John P. Burgess (Philosophical Logic [2009], 5.3)
In classical logic the connectives can be related elegantly, as in De Morgan's laws [Mares]
     Full Idea: Among the virtues of classical logic is the fact that the connectives are related to one another in elegant ways that often involved negation. For example, De Morgan's Laws, which involve negation, disjunction and conjunction.
     From: Edwin D. Mares (Negation [2014], 2.2)
     A reaction: Mares says these enable us to take disjunction or conjunction as primitive, and then define one in terms of the other, using negation as the tool.
Material implication (and classical logic) considers nothing but truth values for implications [Mares]
     Full Idea: The problem with material implication, and classical logic more generally, is that it considers only the truth value of formulas in deciding whether to make an implication stand between them. It ignores everything else.
     From: Edwin D. Mares (Negation [2014], 7.1)
     A reaction: The obvious problem case is conditionals, and relevance is an obvious extra principle that comes to mind.
The non-emptiness of the domain is characteristic of classical logic [Read]
     Full Idea: The non-emptiness of the domain is characteristic of classical logic.
     From: Stephen Read (Thinking About Logic [1995], Ch.2)
Classical logic is good for mathematics and science, but less good for natural language [Sider]
     Full Idea: Despite its brilliant success in mathematics and fundamental science, classical logic applies uneasily to natural language.
     From: Theodore Sider (Writing the Book of the World [2011], 10.6)
     A reaction: He gives examples of the conditional, and debates over the meaning of 'and', 'or' and 'not', and also names and quantifiers. Many modern philosophical problems result from this conflict.
Logical relativism appears if we allow more than one legitimate logical system [O'Grady]
     Full Idea: Logical relativism emerges if one defends the existence of two or more rival systems that one may legitimately choose between, or move back and forth between.
     From: Paul O'Grady (Relativism [2002], Ch.2)
     A reaction: All my instincts rebel against this possibility. All of Aristotle's and Kant's philosophy would be rendered meaningless. Obviously you can create artificial logics (like games), but I believe there is a truth logic. (Pathetic, isn't it?)
Classical logic is: excluded middle, non-contradiction, contradictions imply all, disjunctive syllogism [Fisher]
     Full Idea: For simplicity, we can say that 'classical logic' amounts to the truth of four sentences: 1) either p or not-p; 2) it is not the case that both p and not-p; 3) from p and not-p, infer q; 4) from p or q and not-p, infer q.
     From: Jennifer Fisher (On the Philosophy of Logic [2008], 12.I)
     A reaction: [She says there are many ways of specifying classical logic] Intuition suggests that 2 and 4 are rather hard to dispute, while 1 is ignoring some grey areas, and 3 is totally ridiculous. There is, of course, plenty of support for 3!
Doubt is thrown on classical logic by the way it so easily produces the liar paradox [Horsten]
     Full Idea: Aside from logic, so little is needed to generate the liar paradox that one wonders whether the laws of classical logic are unrestrictedly valid after all. (Many theories of truth have therefore been formulated in nonclassical logic.)
     From: Leon Horsten (The Tarskian Turn [2011], 01.2)
     A reaction: Kripke uses Strong Kleene logic for his theory. The implication is that debates discussed by Horsten actually have the status of classical logic at stake, as well as the nature of truth.
The underestimated costs of giving up classical logic are found in mathematical reasoning [Halbach]
     Full Idea: The costs of giving up classical logic are easily underestimated, …the price being paid in terms of mathematical reasoning.
     From: Volker Halbach (Axiomatic Theories of Truth [2011], 16.2)
     A reaction: No one cares much about such costs, until you say they are 'mathematical'. Presumably this is a message to Graham Priest and his pals.
Classical logic rests on truth and models, where constructivist logic rests on defence and refutation [Engelbretsen/Sayward]
     Full Idea: Classical logic rests on the concepts of truth and falsity (and usually makes use of a semantic theory based on models), whereas constructivist logic accounts for inference in terms of defense and refutation.
     From: Engelbretsen,G/Sayward,C (Philosophical Logic: Intro to Advanced Topics [2011], Intro)
     A reaction: My instincts go with the classical view, which is that inferences do not depend on the human capacity to defend them, but sit there awaiting revelation. My view isn't platonist, because I take the inferences to be rooted in the physical world.
The case for classical logic rests on its rules, much more than on the Principle of Bivalence [Rumfitt]
     Full Idea: I think it is a strategic mistake to rest the case for classical logic on the Principle of Bivalence: the soundness of the classical logic rules is far more compelling than the truth of Bivalence.
     From: Ian Rumfitt (The Boundary Stones of Thought [2015], 1.1)
     A reaction: The 'rules' to which he is referring are those of 'natural deduction', which make very few assumptions, and are intended to be intuitively appealing.
Classical logic rules cannot be proved, but various lines of attack can be repelled [Rumfitt]
     Full Idea: There is not the slightest prospect of proving that the rules of classical logic are sound. ….All that the defender of classical logic can do is scrutinize particular attacks and try to repel them.
     From: Ian Rumfitt (The Boundary Stones of Thought [2015], 1.1)
     A reaction: This is the agenda for Rumfitt's book.
If truth-tables specify the connectives, classical logic must rely on Bivalence [Rumfitt]
     Full Idea: If we specify the senses of the connectives by way of the standard truth-tables, then we must justify classical logic only by appeal to the Principle of Bivalence.
     From: Ian Rumfitt (The Boundary Stones of Thought [2015], 7)
     A reaction: Rumfitt proposes to avoid the truth-tables, and hence not to rely on Bivalence for his support of classical logic. He accepts that Bivalence is doubtful, citing the undecidability of the Continuum Hypothesis as a problem instance.