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6. Mathematics / B. Foundations for Mathematics / 4. Axioms for Number / g. Incompleteness of Arithmetic

[discovery that axioms can't prove all truths of arithmetic]

21 ideas
We can add Reflexion Principles to Peano Arithmetic, which assert its consistency or soundness [Halbach on Peano]
     Full Idea: Peano Arithmetic cannot derive its own consistency from within itself. But it can be strengthened by adding this consistency statement or by stronger axioms (particularly ones partially expressing soundness). These are known as Reflexion Principles.
     From: comment on Giuseppe Peano (Principles of Arithmetic, by a new method [1889], 1.2) by Volker Halbach - Axiomatic Theories of Truth (2005 ver) 1.2
Gödel's Second says that semantic consequence outruns provability [Gödel, by Hanna]
     Full Idea: Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem says that true unprovable sentences are clearly semantic consequences of the axioms in the sense that they are necessarily true if the axioms are true. So semantic consequence outruns provability.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by Robert Hanna - Rationality and Logic 5.3
First Incompleteness: a decent consistent system is syntactically incomplete [Gödel, by George/Velleman]
     Full Idea: First Incompleteness Theorem: If S is a sufficiently powerful formal system, then if S is consistent then S is syntactically incomplete.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by A.George / D.J.Velleman - Philosophies of Mathematics Ch.6
     A reaction: Gödel found a single sentence, effectively saying 'I am unprovable in S', which is neither provable nor refutable in S.
Second Incompleteness: a decent consistent system can't prove its own consistency [Gödel, by George/Velleman]
     Full Idea: Second Incompleteness Theorem: If S is a sufficiently powerful formal system, then if S is consistent then S cannot prove its own consistency
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by A.George / D.J.Velleman - Philosophies of Mathematics Ch.6
     A reaction: This seems much less surprising than the First Theorem (though it derives from it). It was always kind of obvious that you couldn't use reason to prove that reason works (see, for example, the Cartesian Circle).
There is a sentence which a theory can show is true iff it is unprovable [Gödel, by Smith,P]
     Full Idea: The original Gödel construction gives us a sentence that a theory shows is true if and only if it satisfies the condition of being unprovable-in-that-theory.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by Peter Smith - Intro to Gödel's Theorems 20.5
'This system can't prove this statement' makes it unprovable either way [Gödel, by Clegg]
     Full Idea: An approximation of Gödel's Theorem imagines a statement 'This system of mathematics can't prove this statement true'. If the system proves the statement, then it can't prove it. If the statement can't prove the statement, clearly it still can't prove it.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by Brian Clegg - Infinity: Quest to Think the Unthinkable Ch.15
     A reaction: Gödel's contribution to this simple idea seems to be a demonstration that formal arithmetic is capable of expressing such a statement.
First Incompleteness: arithmetic must always be incomplete [Gödel, by Smith,P]
     Full Idea: First Incompleteness Theorem: any properly axiomatised and consistent theory of basic arithmetic must remain incomplete, whatever our efforts to complete it by throwing further axioms into the mix.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by Peter Smith - Intro to Gödel's Theorems 1.2
     A reaction: This is because it is always possible to formulate a well-formed sentence which is not provable within the theory.
Arithmetical truth cannot be fully and formally derived from axioms and inference rules [Gödel, by Nagel/Newman]
     Full Idea: The vast continent of arithmetical truth cannot be brought into systematic order by laying down a fixed set of axioms and rules of inference from which every true mathematical statement can be formally derived. For some this was a shocking revelation.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by E Nagel / JR Newman - Gödel's Proof VII.C
     A reaction: Good news for philosophy, I'd say. The truth cannot be worked out by mechanical procedures, so it needs the subtle and intuitive intelligence of your proper philosopher (Parmenides is the role model) to actually understand reality.
Gödel showed that arithmetic is either incomplete or inconsistent [Gödel, by Rey]
     Full Idea: Gödel's theorem states that either arithmetic is incomplete, or it is inconsistent.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Propositions [1931]) by Georges Rey - Contemporary Philosophy of Mind 8.7
Some arithmetical problems require assumptions which transcend arithmetic [Gödel]
     Full Idea: It has turned out that the solution of certain arithmetical problems requires the use of assumptions essentially transcending arithmetic.
     From: Kurt Gödel (Russell's Mathematical Logic [1944], p.449)
     A reaction: A nice statement of the famous result, from the great man himself, in the plainest possible English.
Gödel eventually hoped for a generalised completeness theorem leaving nothing undecidable [Gödel, by Koellner]
     Full Idea: Eventually Gödel ...expressed the hope that there might be a generalised completeness theorem according to which there are no absolutely undecidable sentences.
     From: report of Kurt Gödel (works [1930]) by Peter Koellner - On the Question of Absolute Undecidability Intro
     A reaction: This comes as a bit of a shock to those who associate him with the inherent undecidability of reality.
The real reason for Incompleteness in arithmetic is inability to define truth in a language [Gödel]
     Full Idea: The concept of truth of sentences in a language cannot be defined in the language. This is the true reason for the existence of undecidable propositions in the formal systems containing arithmetic.
     From: Kurt Gödel (works [1930]), quoted by Peter Smith - Intro to Gödel's Theorems 21.6
     A reaction: [from a letter by Gödel] So they key to Incompleteness is Tarski's observations about truth. Highly significant, as I take it.
Gentzen proved the consistency of arithmetic from assumptions beyond arithmetic [Gentzen, by Musgrave]
     Full Idea: Gentzen proved the consistency of arithmetic from assumptions which transcend arithmetic.
     From: report of Gerhard Gentzen (works [1938]) by Alan Musgrave - Logicism Revisited §5
     A reaction: This does not contradict Gödel's famous result, but reinforces it. The interesting question is what assumptions Gentzen felt he had to make.
Intuitionists find the Incompleteness Theorem unsurprising, since proof is intuitive, not formal [Dummett]
     Full Idea: In the intuitionist view, the notion of an intuitive proof cannot be expected to coincide with that of a proof in a formal system, and Gödel's incompleteness theorem is thus unsurprising from an intuitionist point of view.
     From: Michael Dummett (Frege Philosophy of Language (2nd ed) [1973], Ch.14)
Incompleteness results in arithmetic from combining addition and successor with multiplication [Smith,P]
     Full Idea: Putting multiplication together with addition and successor in the language of arithmetic produces incompleteness.
     From: Peter Smith (Intro to Gödel's Theorems [2007], 10.7)
     A reaction: His 'Baby Arithmetic' has all three and is complete, but lacks quantification (p.51)
Multiplication only generates incompleteness if combined with addition and successor [Smith,P]
     Full Idea: Multiplication in itself isn't is intractable. In 1929 Skolem showed a complete theory for a first-order language with multiplication but lacking addition (or successor). Multiplication together with addition and successor produces incompleteness.
     From: Peter Smith (Intro to Gödel's Theorems [2007], 10.7 n8)
It is only 2nd-order isomorphism which suggested first-order PA completeness [Mayberry]
     Full Idea: If we did not know that the second-order axioms characterise the natural numbers up to isomorphism, we should have no reason to suppose, a priori, that first-order Peano Arithmetic should be complete.
     From: John Mayberry (What Required for Foundation for Maths? [1994], p.412-1)
The incompletability of formal arithmetic reveals that logic also cannot be completely characterized [Hale/Wright]
     Full Idea: The incompletability of formal arithmetic reveals, not arithmetical truths which are not truths of logic, but that logical truth likewise defies complete deductive characterization. ...Gödel's result has no specific bearing on the logicist project.
     From: B Hale / C Wright (Intro to 'The Reason's Proper Study' [2001], §2 n5)
     A reaction: This is the key defence against the claim that Gödel's First Theorem demolished logicism.
The Incompleteness proofs use arithmetic to talk about formal arithmetic [George/Velleman]
     Full Idea: The idea behind the proofs of the Incompleteness Theorems is to use the language of Peano Arithmetic to talk about the formal system of Peano Arithmetic itself.
     From: A.George / D.J.Velleman (Philosophies of Mathematics [2002], Ch.7)
     A reaction: The mechanism used is to assign a Gödel Number to every possible formula, so that all reasonings become instances of arithmetic.
Arithmetical undecidability is always settled at the next stage up [Koellner]
     Full Idea: The arithmetical instances of undecidability that arise at one stage of the hierarchy are settled at the next.
     From: Peter Koellner (On the Question of Absolute Undecidability [2006], 1.4)
You can't prove consistency using a weaker theory, but you can use a consistent theory [Linnebo]
     Full Idea: If the 2nd Incompleteness Theorem undermines Hilbert's attempt to use a weak theory to prove the consistency of a strong one, it is still possible to prove the consistency of one theory, assuming the consistency of another theory.
     From: Řystein Linnebo (Philosophy of Mathematics [2017], 4.6)
     A reaction: Note that this concerns consistency, not completeness.