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18. Thought / D. Concepts / 3. Ontology of Concepts / b. Concepts as abilities

[concepts as abilities to believe, decide and reason]

18 ideas
A 'conception', the rational implication of a word, lies in its bearing upon the conduct of life [Peirce]
     Full Idea: The present writer framed the theory that a 'conception', that is, the rational purport of a word or other expression, lies exclusively in its conceivable bearing upon the conduct of life.
     From: Charles Sanders Peirce (Essentials of Pragmatism [1905], I)
We return to experience with concepts, where they show us differences [James]
     Full Idea: Concepts for the pragmatist are things to come back into experience with, things to make us look for differences.
     From: William James (Pragmatism - eight lectures [1907], Lec 3)
     A reaction: That's good. I like both halves of this. Experience gives us the concepts, but then we 'come back' into experience equipped with them. Presumably animals can look for differences, but concepts enhance that hugely. Know the names of the flowers.
Possessing a concept is knowing how to go on [Wittgenstein, by Peacocke]
     Full Idea: Wittgenstein implies that which concepts a thinker is capable of possessing depends on the ways in which he is capable of finding a natural way to go on.
     From: report of Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations [1952]) by Christopher Peacocke - A Study of Concepts 1.2
     A reaction: This doesn't seem to amount to much. Presumably someone who failed to grasp a concept would demonstrate the fact by going on in a silly way, and whether or not it was silly might not be obvious. A genius may go on in a quirky way.
Concepts direct our interests and investigations, and express those interests [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: Concepts lead us to make investigations; are the expression of our interest, and direct our interest.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations [1952], §570)
     A reaction: This presumably points to the evolutionary origin of our concept-creating capacity, though I am not sure that it defines what a concept actually is.
Man learns the concept of the past by remembering [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: Man learns the concept of the past by remembering.
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations [1952], II.13)
     A reaction: [quoted by Peacocke] Is it the case that we learn all of our concepts by doing? Obviously not, since we can be taught them. Could you have no long-term memories (head trauma), and be taught the concept of the past by someone else?
For abstractionists, concepts are capacities to recognise recurrent features of the world [Geach]
     Full Idea: For abstractionists, concepts are essentially capacities for recognizing recurrent features of the world.
     From: Peter Geach (Abstraction Reconsidered [1983], p.163)
     A reaction: Recognition certainly strikes me as central to thought (and revelatory of memory, since we continually recognise what we cannot actually recall). Geach dislikes this view, but I see it as crucial to an evolutionary view of thought.
Concepts are (at least in part) abilities and not occurrences [Putnam]
     Full Idea: Concepts are (at least in part) abilities and not occurrences.
     From: Hilary Putnam (Reason, Truth and History [1981], Ch.1)
     A reaction: This seems to be building on the idea that meaning is use, and also arises from a background of pragmatism. Perhaps a concept is an acquaintance with a node in platonic space? Lots of abilities aren't concepts, so what distinguishes the concepts?
Concepts have a 'Generality Constraint', that we must know how predicates apply to them [Evans, by Peacocke]
     Full Idea: Evans's 'Generality Constraint' says that if a thinker is capable of attitudes to the content Fa and possesses the singular concept b, then he is capable of having attitudes to the content Fb.
     From: report of Gareth Evans (The Varieties of Reference [1980], 4.3) by Christopher Peacocke - A Study of Concepts 1.1
     A reaction: So having an attitude becomes the test of whether one possesses a concept. I suppose if one says 'You know you've got a concept when you are capable of thinking about it', that is much the same thing. Sounds fine.
I prefer psychological atomism - that concepts are independent of epistemic capacities [Fodor]
     Full Idea: I argue for a very strong version of psychological atomism; one according to which what concepts you have is conceptually and metaphysically independent of what epistemic capacities you have.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (Concepts:where went wrong [1998], Ch.1)
     A reaction: This is a frontal assault on the tradition of Frege, Dummett and Peacocke. I immediately find Fodor's approach more congenial, because he wants to say what a concept IS, rather than just place it within some larger scheme of things.
Are concepts best seen as capacities? [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Virtually all modern theorists about philosophy, mind or language tend to agree that concepts are capacities, in particular concepts are epistemic capacities.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (In a Critical Condition [2000], Ch. 3)
     A reaction: This view seems to describe concepts in functional terms, which generates my perennial question: what is it about concepts that enables them to fulfil that particular role?
For Pragmatists having a concept means being able to do something [Fodor]
     Full Idea: It's a paradigmatically Pragmatist idea that having a concept consists in being able to do something.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (In a Critical Condition [2000], Ch. 3)
     A reaction: If you defined a bicycle simply by what you could do with it, you wouldn't explain much. I wonder if pragmatism and functionalism come from the same intellectual stable?
In the information view, concepts are potentials for making distinctions [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Semantics, according to the informational view, is mostly about counterfactuals; what counts for the identity of my concepts is not what I do distinguish but what I could distinguish if I cared to (even using instruments and experts).
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (The Elm and the Expert [1993], §2.I)
     A reaction: We all differ in our discriminations (and awareness of expertise), so our concepts would differ, which is bad news for communication (see Idea 223). The view has some plausibility, though.
Cartesians put concept individuation before concept possession [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Cartesians think that concept individuation is prior, in order of analysis, to concept possession.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.12)
     A reaction: Peacocke is someone who seems to put possession first, to the point where individuation is thereby achieved. The background influence there is Wittgenstein. I think I am more with Fodor, that concepts are entities, which need to be understood.
Possessing a concept is being able to make judgements which use it [Peacocke]
     Full Idea: Possession of any concept requires the capacity to make judgements whose content contain it.
     From: Christopher Peacocke (A Study of Concepts [1992], 2.1)
     A reaction: Idea 12575 suggested that concept possession was an ability just to think about the concept. Why add that one must actually be able to make a judgement? Presumably to get truth in there somewhere. I may only speculate and fantasise, rather than judge.
A concept is just what it is to possess that concept [Peacocke]
     Full Idea: There can be no more to a concept than is determined by a correct account of what it is to possess that concept.
     From: Christopher Peacocke (A Study of Concepts [1992], 3.2)
     A reaction: He calls this the Principle of Dependence. An odd idea, if you compare 'there is no more to a book than its possession conditions'. If the principle is right, I struggle with the proposal that a philosopher might demonstrate such a principle.
Employing a concept isn't decided by introspection, but by making judgements using it [Peacocke]
     Full Idea: On the account I have been developing, what makes it the case that someone is employing one concept rather than another is not constituted by his impression of whether he is, but by complex facts about explanations of his judgements.
     From: Christopher Peacocke (A Study of Concepts [1992], 7.2)
     A reaction: I presume this brings truth into the picture, and hence establishes a link between the concept and the external world, rather than merely with other concepts. There seems to be a shadowy behaviourism lurking in the background.
Maybe the concept CAT is just the ability to discriminate and infer about cats [Margolis/Laurence]
     Full Idea: The view that concepts are abilities (e.g. found in Brandom, Dummett and Millikan) would say that the concept CAT amounts to the ability to discriminate cats from non-cats and to draw certain inferences about cats.
     From: E Margolis/S Laurence (Concepts [2009], 1.2)
     A reaction: Feels wrong. The concept is what makes these abilities possible, but it seems rather behaviourist to identify the concept with what is enabled by the concept. You might understand 'cat', but fail to recognise your first cat (though you might suspect it).
The abilities view cannot explain the productivity of thought, or mental processes [Margolis/Laurence]
     Full Idea: The abilities view of concepts, by its rejection of mental representation, is ill-equipped to explain the productivity of thought; and it can say little about mental processes.
     From: E Margolis/S Laurence (Concepts [2009], 1.2)
     A reaction: The latter point arises from its behaviouristic character, which just gives us a black box with some output of abilities. In avoiding a possible regress, it offers no explanation at all.