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9. Objects / C. Structure of Objects / 1. Structure of an Object

[general ideas about how objects must be structured]

15 ideas
Structures don't explain dispositions, because they consist of dispositions [Martin,CB]
     Full Idea: It is self-defeating to try to explain dispositionality in terms of structural states because structural states are themselves dispositional.
     From: C.B. Martin (The Mind in Nature [2008], 01.2)
     A reaction: No doubt structures have dispositions, but are they entirely dispositional? Might there be 'emergent' dispositions which can only be explained by the structure itself, rather than by the dispositions that make up the structure?
Structural properties involve dispositionality, so cannot be used to explain it [Martin,CB]
     Full Idea: I take it as obvious that any structural property involves dispositionality and, therefore, cannot be used to 'explain' dispositionality.
     From: C.B. Martin (The Mind in Nature [2008], 04.3)
     A reaction: I think this is the right way round. The so-called 'categorical' properties seem to be close in nature to the 'structural' properties.
Categorical properties depend only on the structures they represent [Ellis]
     Full Idea: I would define categorical properties as those whose identities depend only on the kinds of structures they represent.
     From: Brian Ellis (The Metaphysics of Scientific Realism [2009], 3 n8)
     A reaction: Aha. So categorical properties would be much more perspicaciously labelled as 'structural' properties. Why does philosophical terminology make it all more difficult than it needs to be?
All events and objects are dispositional, and hence all structural properties are dispositional [Fetzer]
     Full Idea: Every atomic event in the world's history is a manifestation of some dispositional property of the world and every physical object is an instantiation of some set of dispositions; hence, every structural property is dispositional in kind.
     From: J.H. Fetzer (A World of Dispositions [1977], 5)
     A reaction: I quite like this drastic view, but there remains the intuition that there must always be something which has the disposition. That may be because I have not yet digested the lessons of modern physics.
We could not uphold a truthmaker for 'Fa' without structures [Lewis]
     Full Idea: We could not, without structures, uphold the principle that every truth has a truthmaker. If Fa is true, the truthmaker is not F, not a, nor both together; not their mereological sum; not a set-theoretic construction. These would exist just the same.
     From: David Lewis (Comment on Armstrong and Forrest [1986], p.109)
     A reaction: This point ought to trouble Lewis, as well as Armstrong and Forrest. If we assert 'Fa', we must (in any theory) have some idea of what unites them, as well as of their separate existence. It must a fact about 'a', not a fact about 'F'.
The 'magical' view of structural universals says they are atoms, even though they have parts [Lewis]
     Full Idea: The 'magical' conception of structural universals says 'simple' must be distinguished from 'atomic'. A structural universal is never simple; it involves other, simpler, universals, but it is mereologically atomic. The other universals are not its parts.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'The magical')
     A reaction: Hence the 'magic' is for it to be an indissoluble unity, while acknowledging that it has parts. Personally I don't see much problem with this view, since universals already perform the magical feat of being 'instantiated', whatever that means.
If 'methane' is an atomic structural universal, it has nothing to connect it to its carbon universals [Lewis]
     Full Idea: What is it about the universal carbon that gets it involved in necessary connections with methane? Why not rubidium instead? The universal 'carbon' has nothing more in common with the universal methane than the universal rubidium has!
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'The magical')
     A reaction: This is his objection to the 'magical' unity of structural universals. The point is that if methane is an atomic unity, as claimed, it can't have anything 'in common' with its components.
The 'pictorial' view of structural universals says they are wholes made of universals as parts [Lewis]
     Full Idea: On the 'pictorial' conception, a structural universal is isomorphic to its instances. ...It is an individual, a mereological composite, not a set. ...It is composed of simpler universals which are literally parts of it.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'The pictorial')
     A reaction: I'm not clear why Lewis labels this the 'pictorial' view. His other two views of structural universals are 'linguistic' and 'magical'. The linguistic is obviously wrong, and the magical doesn't sound promising. Must I vote for pictorial?
The structural universal 'methane' needs the universal 'hydrogen' four times over [Lewis]
     Full Idea: What is wrong with the pictorial conception is that if the structural universal 'methane' is to be an isomorph of the molecules that are its instances, it must have the universal 'hydrogen' as a part not just once, but four times over.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'The pictorial')
     A reaction: The point is that if hydrogen is a universal it must be unique, so there can't be four of them. To me this smacks of the hopeless mess theologians get into, because of bad premisses. Drop universals, and avoid this kind of stuff.
Butane and Isobutane have the same atoms, but different structures [Lewis]
     Full Idea: The stuctural universal 'isobutane' consists of the universal carbon four times over, hydrogen ten times over, and the universal 'bonded' thirteen times over - just like the universal 'butane'.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'Variants')
     A reaction: The point is that isobutane and butane have the same components in different structures. At least this is Lewis facing up to the problem of the 'flatness' of mereological wholes.
Structural universals have a necessary connection to the universals forming its parts [Lewis]
     Full Idea: There is a necessary connection between the instantiating of a structural universal by the whole and the instantiating of other universals by its parts. We can call the relation 'involvement', a nondescript word.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'What are')
     A reaction: In the case of a shape, I suppose the composing 'universals' [dunno what they are] will all be essential to the shape - that is, part of the very nature of the thing, loss of which would destroy the identity.
We can't get rid of structural universals if there are no simple universals [Lewis]
     Full Idea: We can't dispense with structural universals if we cannot be sure that there are any simples which can be involved in them.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'Why believe')
     A reaction: Lewis cites this as Armstrong's strongest reason for accepting structural universals (and he takes their requirement for an account of laws of nature as the weakest). I can't comprehend a world that lacks underlying simplicity.
Structural properties are derivate properties [Molnar]
     Full Idea: Structural properties are clear examples of derivative properties.
     From: George Molnar (Powers [1998], 1.4.3)
     A reaction: This is an important question in the debate. Presumably you can't just reduce structural properties to more basic ones, because one set of basic properties might appear in many different structures. Ellis defends structural properties in metaphysics.
There are no 'structural properties', as properties with parts [Molnar]
     Full Idea: There are no 'structural properties', if by that we mean a property that has properties as parts.
     From: George Molnar (Powers [1998], 9.1.2)
     A reaction: There do seem to be properties that result from arranging more basic properties in one way rather than another (e.g. arranging the metal in a knife to be 'sharp'). But I think Molnar is right that they are not part of basic ontology.
Pandispositionalists say structures are clusters of causal powers [Mumford/Anjum]
     Full Idea: A pandispositionalist has to defend the view that even a property such as sphericity is in reality a cluster of causal powers.
     From: S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum (Getting Causes from Powers [2011], 1.1)
     A reaction: Is sphericity even a 'property'? I think 'feature' might be the best word for it. 'Quality' is quite good, but is too suggestive of qualia and secondary qualities. 'Mode' is not bad. Things have 'modes of existence' and 'powers'? Powers create modes.