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18. Thought / B. Mechanics of Thought / 5. Mental Files

[mind is like a filing system, with labelled folders]

24 ideas
Many memories make up a single experience [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: Many recollections of the same thing perform the function of a single experience.
     From: Aristotle (Metaphysics [c.324 BCE], 0980b28)
     A reaction: This beautifully simple remark seems to me to be extremely important if we are going to understand the nature of thought. Personally I think it endorses the 'database' view of how the mind works (as a set of labelled 'files'). See Fodor's 'LOT2'.
Memories are preserved separately, according to category [Augustine]
     Full Idea: In memory everything is preserved separately, according to its category.
     From: Augustine (Confessions [c.398], X.08)
     A reaction: This strikes me as the first seeds of the idea that the mind functions by means of mental files. Our memories of cats are 'close to' or 'linked to' our memories of dogs.
Words are not for communication, but as marks for remembering what we have learned [Hobbes]
     Full Idea: The use of words consists in this, that they may serve for marks by which whatsoever we have found out may be recalled to memory ...but not as signs by which we declare the same to others.
     From: Thomas Hobbes (De Corpore (Elements, First Section) [1655], 1.6.11)
     A reaction: This exactly fits the idea of mental files, of which I am a fan. That this is the actual purpose of language is an unusual but interesting view.
We need definitions to cram retrievable sense into a signed receptacle [Frege]
     Full Idea: If we need such signs, we also need definitions so that we can cram this sense into the receptacle and also take it out again.
     From: Gottlob Frege (Logic in Mathematics [1914], p.209)
     A reaction: Has anyone noticed that Frege is the originator of the idea of the mental file? Has anyone noticed the role that definition plays in his account?
We use signs to mark receptacles for complex senses [Frege]
     Full Idea: We often need to use a sign with which we associate a very complex sense. Such a sign seems a receptacle for the sense, so that we can carry it with us, while being always aware that we can open this receptacle should we need what it contains.
     From: Gottlob Frege (Logic in Mathematics [1914], p.209)
     A reaction: This exactly the concept of a mental file, which I enthusiastically endorse. Frege even talks of 'opening the receptacle'. For Frege a definition (which he has been discussing) is the assigment of a label (the 'definiendum') to the file (the 'definiens').
Puzzled Pierre has two mental files about the same object [Recanati on Kripke]
     Full Idea: In Kripke's puzzle about belief, the subject has two distinct mental files about one and the same object.
     From: comment on Saul A. Kripke (A Puzzle about Belief [1979]) by François Recanati - Mental Files 17.1
     A reaction: [Pierre distinguishes 'London' from 'Londres'] The Kripkean puzzle is presented as very deep, but I have always felt there was a simple explanation, and I suspect that this is it (though I will leave the reader to think it through, as I'm very busy…).
Mental representations name things in the world, but also files in our memory [Fodor]
     Full Idea: Mental representations can serve both as names for things in the world and as names of files in the memory.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.3 App)
     A reaction: I am laughed at for liking this idea (given the present files of ideas before you), but I think this it is very powerful. Chicken before egg. I was drawn to databases precisely because they seemed to map how the mind worked.
We think in file names [Fodor]
     Full Idea: We think in file names.
     From: Jerry A. Fodor (LOT 2 [2008], Ch.3 App)
     A reaction: This is Fodor's new view. He cites Treisman and Schmidt (1982) for raising it, and Pylyshyn (2003) for discussing it. I love it. It exactly fits my introspective view of how I think, and I think it would fit animals. It might not fit some other people!
There is a single file per object, memorised, reactivated, consolidated and expanded [Papineau, by Recanati]
     Full Idea: For Papineau there is just one file, which is initialised on the first encounter with the object, stored in memory, reactivated on further encounters, and consolidated with familiarity. Accumulation of information shows it is the same file.
     From: report of David Papineau (Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts [2006]) by François Recanati - Mental Files 7.2
     A reaction: Recanati attempts to refute this view, defending a more complex taxonomy of files. I'm sympathetic to Papineau, as distinct shift in file type doesn't sound very plausible. Simplicity suggests Papineau as a better starting-point.
An identity statement aims at getting the hearer to merge two mental files [Lockwood]
     Full Idea: The purpose of an identity statement is to get the hearer to merge these files or bodies of information into one.
     From: Michael Lockwood (Identity and Reference [1971], p.209), quoted by François Recanati - Mental Files 4.1
     A reaction: Lockwood is a pioneer, in seeing 'Hesperus is Phosphorus' and 'Scott is the author of 'Waverley'' in terms of how the mind works. Mental files seem to me to explain a huge amount. Recanati proposes 'linking' rather than 'merging'.
Mental files are devices for keeping track of basic coordination of objects [Fine,K]
     Full Idea: Mental files should be seen as a device for keeping track of when objects are coordinated (represented as-the-same) and, rather than understand coordination in terms of mental files, we should understand mental files in terms of coordination.
     From: Kit Fine (Semantic Relationism [2007], 3.A)
     A reaction: Personally I think that the metaphor of a 'label' is much closer to the situation than that of a 'file'. Thus my concept of Cicero is labelled 'Tully', 'Roman', 'orator', 'philosophical example'... My problem is to distinguish the concept from its labels.
Files can be confused, if two files correctly have a single name, or one file has two names [Recanati]
     Full Idea: Paderewski cases are cases in which a subject associates two distinct files with a single name. Inverse Paderewski cases are cases in which there are two names but the subject associates them with a single file.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 10.1)
     A reaction: In the inverse there are two people with the same name, and someone thinks they are one person (with their combined virtues and vices). E.g. Einstein the famous physicist, and Einstein the famous musicologist. What a man!
Encylopedic files have further epistemic links, beyond the basic one [Recanati]
     Full Idea: The reference of a file is the object to which the subject stands in the relevant epistemic relation. In the case of encylopedic entries there is an arbitrary number of distinct relations. The file grows new links in an opportunistic manner.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 11.3)
     A reaction: I'm not convinced by Recanati's claim that encylopedic files are a distinct type. My files seem to grow these opportunistic links right from their inception. All files seem to have that feature. A file could have four links at its moment of launching.
Singular thoughts need a mental file, and an acquaintance relation from file to object [Recanati]
     Full Idea: The mental file framework rests on two principles: that the subject cannot entertain a singular thought about an object without possessing and exercising a mental file about it, and that this requires an acquaintance relation with the object.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 12.3)
     A reaction: I'm puzzled by the case where I design and build a completely new object. I seem to assemble a file, and only bestow singularity on it towards the end. Or the singularity can just be a placeholder, referred to as 'something'. […see p.158]
Expected acquaintance can create a thought-vehicle file, but without singular content [Recanati]
     Full Idea: On my view, actual acquaintance is not necessary to open a mental file; expected acquaintance will suffice; yet opening a mental file itself is not sufficient to entertain a singular thought-content. It only enables a thought-vehicle.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 13.1)
     A reaction: I'm not clear why I can't create a file with no expectation at all of acquaintance, as in a fictional case. Depends what 'acquaintance' means. Recanati longs for precise distinctions where they may not be available.
An 'indexed' file marks a file which simulates the mental file of some other person [Recanati]
     Full Idea: Files function metarepresentationally if they serve to represent how other subjects think about objects in the world. ..An 'indexed' file has an index referring to the other subject whose files the indexed file stands for or simulates.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 14.1)
     A reaction: Presumably there is an implicit index on all files, which says in a conversation whether my interlocutor does or does not hold the same file-type as me. Recanati wants many 'types' of files, but I suspect there is just one file type.
Reference by mental files is Millian, in emphasising acquaintance, rather than satisfaction [Recanati]
     Full Idea: The mental file account preserves the original, Millian inspiration of direct reference theories in giving pride of place to acquaintance relations and downplaying satisfaction factors.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 17.3)
     A reaction: I find this a very satisfying picture, in which reference links to the simple label of a file (which could be a number), and not to its contents. There are tricky cases of non-existents, fictional entities and purely possible entities to consider.
The reference of a file is fixed by what it relates to, not the information it contains [Recanati]
     Full Idea: What files refer to is not determined by properties which the subject takes the referent to have (information, or misinformation, in the file), but through the relations on which the files are based.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 3.3)
     A reaction: Maybe. 'Lot 22'. I can build up a hypothetical file by saying 'Imagine an animal which is F, G, H…', and build a reference that relates to nothing. Maybe Recanati overestimates the role of his 'epistemically rewarding' relations in file creation.
A mental file treats all of its contents as concerning one object [Recanati]
     Full Idea: The role of a mental file is precisely to treat all the information as if it concerned one and the same object, from which it derives.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 4.1)
     A reaction: Recanati's book focuses entirely on singular objects, but we presumably have files for properties, generalisation, groups etc. Can they only be thought about if they are reified? Maybe.
There are transient 'demonstrative' files, habitual 'recognitional' files, cumulative 'encyclopedic' files [Recanati]
     Full Idea: A 'demonstrative' file only exists during the demonstrative relation to something; …a 'recognitional' file is based on 'familiarity' (a disposition to recognise); …an 'encylopedic' file contains all the information on something, however it is gained.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 6.1-3)
     A reaction: [picked as samples of his taxonomy, pp.70-73] I'm OK with this as long as he doesn't think the categories are sharply separated. I'm inclined to think of files as a single type, drifting in and out of different of modes.
Files are hierarchical: proto-files, then first-order, then higher-order encyclopedic [Recanati]
     Full Idea: There is a hierarchy of files. Proto-files are the most basic; conceptual files are generated from them. First-order ones are more basic, as the higher-order encylopedic entries presuppose them.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 6.3)
     A reaction: This hierarchy might fit into a decent account of categories, if a plausible one could be found. A good prospect for exploring categories would be to start with mental file-types, and work outwards through their relations.
A file has a 'nucleus' through its relation to the object, and a 'periphery' of links to other files [Recanati]
     Full Idea: I take a file to have a dual structure, with a 'nucleus' of the file consisting of information derived through the relevant epistemically rewarding relation, while the 'periphery' consists of information derived through linking with other files.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files [2012], 8.3)
     A reaction: This sounds strikingly like essentialism to me, though what constitutes the essence is different from the usual explanatory basics. The link, though, is in the causal connection. If we naturally 'essentialise', that will control file-formation.
Mental files are concepts, which are either collections or (better) containers [Recanati]
     Full Idea: Mental files are entries in the mental encyclopedia, that is, concepts. Some, following Grice, say they are information collections, but I think of them as containers. Collections are determined by their elements, but containers have independent identity.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files in Flux [2016], Pref)
     A reaction: [compressed] [Grice reference is 'Vacuous Names' (1969)] I agree with Recanati. The point is that you can invoke a file by a label, even when you don't know what the content is.
The Frege case of believing a thing is both F and not-F is explained by separate mental files [Recanati]
     Full Idea: Frege's Constraint says if a subject believes an object is both F and not-F (as in 'Frege cases'), then the subject thinks of that object under distinct modes of presentation. Having distinct mental files of the object is sufficient to generate this.
     From: François Recanati (Mental Files in Flux [2016], Pref)
     A reaction: [compressed] When you look at how many semantic puzzles (notably from Frege and Kripke) are solved by the existence of labelled mental files, the case for them is overwhelming.