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26. Natural Theory / A. Speculations on Nature / 7. Later Matter Theories / b. Corpuscles

[matter is just collections of smaller parts]

7 ideas
Every extended material substance is composed of parts distant from one another [William of Ockham]
     Full Idea: Every extended material substance is composed of substantial parts distant from one another in place or location.
     From: William of Ockham (Tractatus de corpore Christi [1323], Ch. 12)
     A reaction: Pasnau glosses this as that 'bodies have corpuscular structure', meaning that they are made up of parts of matter (rather than just enformed matter, I think).
Cold and hot are the swiftness and slowness of corpuscular motion [Beeckman]
     Full Idea: There is no doubt that the nature of cold and hot are taken from the swiftness and slowness of the motion of corpuscules.
     From: Isaac Beeckman (Journals [1617], I:132), quoted by Robert Pasnau - Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 19.6
     A reaction: This is so right it takes your breath away. For 'corpuscles' we should normally read 'molecules'. Atomism is a further refinement. This is the rejection of the orthodox view of separate qualities.
Colours arise from the rarity, density and mixture of matter [Digby]
     Full Idea: The origin of all colours in bodies is plainly deduced out of the various degrees of rarity and density, variously mixed and compounded.
     From: Kenelm Digby (Two treatises [1644], I.29.4), quoted by Robert Pasnau - Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 22.5
     A reaction: We are still struggling with this question, though I think the picture is gradually become clear, once you get the hang of the brain. Easy! See Idea 17396.
The corpuscular theory allows motion, but does not include forces between the particles [Boyle, by Alexander,P]
     Full Idea: Though there is motion, the corpuscles will not be dynamic because the idea of forces between the particles or groups of them does not figure in the theory.
     From: report of Robert Boyle (The Origin of Forms and Qualities [1666]) by Peter Alexander - Ideas, Qualities and Corpuscles 5.2
     A reaction: This is the view of Locke, as well as of Boyle. I quote this because I take to it be a particular target of Leibniz's disagreement.
An attraction of a body is the sum of the forces of their particles [Newton]
     Full Idea: The attractions of the bodies must be reckoned by assigning proper forces to their individual particles and then taking the sums of those forces.
     From: Isaac Newton (Principia Mathematica [1687], 1.II.Schol)
     A reaction: This is using the parts of bodies to give fundamental explanations, rather than invoking substantial forms. The parts need not be atoms.
Atomism is the commonest version of corpuscularianism, but isn't required by it [Pasnau]
     Full Idea: Atomism is the most common version of corpuscular prime matter, but it is not the only option. Indeed, atomism neither entails nor is entailed by the combination of corpuscularianism and the substratum thesis.
     From: Robert Pasnau (Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 [2011], 03.2)
     A reaction: The point is that the corpuscles may be endlessly divisible (which Lewis called 'gunk').
If there are just arrangements of corpuscles, where are the boundaries between substances? [Pasnau]
     Full Idea: If all there are corpuscles of various shapes and sizes, variously arranged, it is not easy to see how we might draw the boundary lines, at any given moment, between one substance and another.
     From: Robert Pasnau (Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 [2011], 24.2)
     A reaction: We still have precisely that problem, and it leads to the nihilism about ordinary objects found in Unger, Van Inwagen and Merricks. I have so far found modern defences of ordinary objects unpersuasive.