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9. Objects / C. Structure of Objects / 3. Matter of an Object

[underlying material which is formed into an object]

13 ideas
Matter is the substratum, which supports both coming-to-be and alteration [Aristotle]
Every distinct thing has matter, as long as it isn't an essence or a Form [Aristotle]
In Aristotle, bronze only becomes 'matter' when it is potentially a statue [Aristotle, by Gill,ML]
Aristotle's conception of matter applies to non-physical objects as well as physical objects [Aristotle, by Fine,K]
Aristotle's matter is something that could be the inner origin of a natural being's behaviour [Aristotle, by Witt]
Matter is secondary, because it is potential, determined by the actuality of form [Aristotle, by Witt]
In feature-generation the matter (such as bronze) endures, but in generation it doesn't [Aristotle, by Politis]
The ultimate material of things has the unity of total formlessness [Avicenna]
The assumption that shape and solidity are fundamental implies dubious 'substance' in bodies [Harré/Madden]
Matter underlies things, composes things, and brings them to be [Wiggins]
I assume matter is particulate, made up of 'simples' [Inwagen]
Aristotelian matter seriously threatens the intrinsic unity and substantiality of its object [Gill,ML]
The matter is a relatively unstructured version of the object, like a set without membership structure [Fine,K]