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9. Objects / A. Existence of Objects / 5. Simples

[minimal small components that make up larger objects]

9 ideas
The simple's whatness is its very self [Avicenna]
     Full Idea: The simple's whatness is its very self.
     From: Avicenna (Abu Ibn Sina) (Commentary on the Metaphysics [1022], 5.5), quoted by Thomas Aquinas - De Ente et Essentia (Being and Essence) p.103
     A reaction: Aquinas endorses this Aristotelian view in Idea 11208.
The analysis of things leads to atoms of substance, which found both composition and action [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: There are only atoms of substance, that is, real unities absolutely destitute of parts, which are the source of actions, the first absolute principles of the composition of things, and, as it were, the final elements in the analysis of substantial things.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (New system of communication of substances [1695], p.142)
     A reaction: I like this because it addresses the pure issue of the identity of an individuated object, but also links it with an active view of nature, and not some mere inventory of objects.
Unities are only in propositions or concepts, and nothing that exists has unity [Russell]
     Full Idea: It is sufficient to observe that all unities are propositions or propositional concepts, and that consequently nothing that exists is a unity. If, therefore, it is maintained that things are unities, we must reply that no things exist.
     From: Bertrand Russell (The Principles of Mathematics [1903], §439)
     A reaction: The point, I presume, is that you end up as a nihilist about identities (like van Inwagen and Merricks) by mistakenly thinking (as Aristotle and Leibniz did) that everything that exists needs to have something called 'unity'.
Objects are simple [Wittgenstein]
     Full Idea: Objects are simple
     From: Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus [1921], 2.02)
     A reaction: Presumably all his objects are 'simples', and what we think of as normal objects are counted by LW as 'facts'.
We might fix identities for small particulars, but it is utopian to hope for such things [Kripke]
     Full Idea: Maybe strict identity only applies to the particulars (the molecules) in a case of vague identity. …It seems, however, utopian to suppose that we will ever reach a level of ultimate, basic particulars for which identity relations are never vague.
     From: Saul A. Kripke (Naming and Necessity notes and addenda [1972], note 18)
     A reaction: I agree with this. Ladyman and Ross laugh at the unscientific picture found in dreams of 'simples'.
There are no objects with proper parts; there are only mereological simples [Unger, by Wasserman]
     Full Idea: Eliminativism is often associated with Unger, who defends 'mereological nihilism', that there are no composite objects (objects with proper parts); there are only mereological simples (with no proper parts). The nihilist denies statues and ships.
     From: report of Peter Unger (There are no ordinary things [1979]) by Ryan Wasserman - Material Constitution 4
     A reaction: The puzzle here is that he has a very clear notion of identity for the simples, but somehow bars combinations from having identity. So identity is simplicity? 'Complex identity' doesn't sound like an oxymoron. We're stuck if there are no simples.
Quantum field theory suggests that there are, fundamentally, no individual things [Swoyer]
     Full Idea: Quantum field theory strongly suggests that there are (at the fundamental level) no individual, particular things.
     From: Chris Swoyer (Abstract Entities [2008], 2.1)
     A reaction: When people introduce quantum theory into ontological discussions I reach for my shotgun, but it does rather look as if things turn to mush at the bottom level.
We can eliminate objects without a commitment to simples [Merricks]
     Full Idea: Eliminativism about physical objects does not require a commitment to (or against) simples.
     From: Trenton Merricks (Objects and Persons [2003], §1.I)
     A reaction: His strategy is to eliminate objects in favour of whatever it is (an unknown) to which objects actually reduce. His point seems to be clearly correct, just as I might eliminate 'life' from my ontology, without quite knowing what it is.
Most materialist views postulate smallest indivisible components which are permanent [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: Most materialist ontologies of the past postulate that the world ultimately consists of smallest indivisible component parts that persist because they must; they are permanent.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 2.1)
     A reaction: Van Inwagen is notable for this view. Ingthorsson says the theory is to explain medium-sized change, while denying that anything comes to be out of nothing. Theology may lurk in the background. Simple persistance won't explain compound persistance.