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20. Action / A. Definition of Action / 4. Action as Movement

[treating actions as (mainly) bodily movements]

5 ideas
Every true act of will is also at once and without exception a movement of the body [Schopenhauer]
     Full Idea: Every true act of will is also at once and without exception a movement of the body.
     From: Arthur Schopenhauer (The World as Will and Idea [1819], II 018)
     A reaction: The word 'act' seems to beg the question (as does 'true'!). I am no longer sure that I know what an act of will is. Hobbes says there is no such thing.
Action is bodily movement caused by intentional states [Rowlands]
     Full Idea: An action is a bodily movement that is caused by intentional states such as beliefs, desires and so on.
     From: Mark Rowlands (Externalism [2003], Ch.5)
     A reaction: A useful definition, and clearly one that has no truck with attempts at giving behaviourist definitions of action. The definition of a 'moral action' needs to be built on this one. Particular types of belief and desire, presumably.
Bicycle riding is not just bodily movement - you also have to be on the bicycle [Stout,R]
     Full Idea: You do not ride a bicycle just by moving your body in a certain way. You have to be on the bicycle to move in the right sort of way
     From: Rowland Stout (Action [2005], 9 'Are body')
     A reaction: My favourite philosophical ideas are simple and conclusive. He also observes that walking involves the ground being walked on. In complex actions 'feedback' with the environment is involved.
Maybe bodily movements are not actions, but only part of an agent's action of moving [Wilson/Schpall]
     Full Idea: Some say that the movement's of agent's body are never actions. It is only the agent's direct moving of, say, his leg that constitutes a physical action; the leg movement is merely caused by and/or incorporated as part of the act of moving.
     From: Wilson,G/Schpall,S (Action [2012], 1.2)
     A reaction: [they cite Jennifer Hornsby 1980] It seems normal to deny a twitch the accolade of an 'action', so I suppose that is right. Does the continual movement of my tongue count as action? Only if I bring it under control? Does it matter? Only in forensics.
Is the action the arm movement, the whole causal process, or just the trying to do it? [Wilson/Schpall]
     Full Idea: Some philosophers have favored the overt arm movement the agent performs, some favor the extended causal process he initiates, and some prefer the relevant event of trying that precedes and 'generates' the rest.
     From: Wilson,G/Schpall,S (Action [2012], 1.2)
     A reaction: [Davidson argues for the second, Hornsby for the third] There seems no way to settle this, and a compromise looks best. Mere movement won't do, and mere trying won't do, and whole processes get out of control.