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26. Natural Theory / D. Laws of Nature / 1. Laws of Nature

[nature and status of the regularities of nature]

40 ideas
Greeks explained regularity by intellectual design, not by laws [Democritus, by Frede,M]
     Full Idea: It is clear that Democritus had no idea of laws of nature …for in Greek thought regularity of behaviour is associated with design by an intellect.
     From: report of Democritus (fragments/reports [c.431 BCE]) by Michael Frede - A Free Will Intro
     A reaction: Ah. A simple realisation…! Seventeenth century laws of nature offered an explanation of natural order which didn't rely on God. Even though those scientists were all theists.
Principles of things are not hidden features of forms, but the laws by which they were formed [Newton]
     Full Idea: The (active) principles I consider not as occult qualities, supposed to result from the specific forms of things, but as general laws of nature, by which the things themselves are formed.
     From: Isaac Newton (Queries to the 'Opticks' [1721], q 31), quoted by Robert Pasnau - Metaphysical Themes 1274-1671 23.6
     A reaction: This is the external, 'imposed' view of laws (with the matter passive) at its most persuasive. If laws arise out the stuff (as I prefer to think), what principles went into the formulation of the stuff?
The principles of my treatise are designed to fit with a belief in God [Newton]
     Full Idea: When I wrote my treatise about our system, I had an eye upon such principles as might work with considering men, for the belief of a deity.
     From: Isaac Newton (Letters to Bentley [1692], 1692.12.10)
     A reaction: Harré quotes this, and it shows that the rather passive view of nature Newton developed was to be supplemented by the active power of God. Without God, we need a more active view of nature.
God's laws would be meaningless without internal powers for following them [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: To say that, in creation, God gave bodies a law for acting means nothing, unless, at the same time, he gave them something by means of which it could happen that the law is followed.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (On Body and Force, Against the Cartesians [1702], p.253)
     A reaction: This is the beginning of the modern rebellion against the medieval view of laws as imposed from outside on passive matter. Unfortunately for Leibniz, once you have postulated active internal powers, the external laws become redundant.
Each possible world contains its own laws, reflected in the possible individuals of that world [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: As there exist an infinite number of possible worlds, there exists also an infinite number of laws, some peculiar to one world, some to another, and each individual of any one world contains in the concept of him the laws of his world.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (Letters to Antoine Arnauld [1686], 1686.06)
     A reaction: Since Leibniz's metaphysics is thoroughly God-driven, he will obviously allow God to create any laws He wishes, and hence scientific essentialism seems to be rejected, even though Leibniz is keen on essences. Unless the stuff is different...
An entelechy is a law of the series of its event within some entity [Leibniz]
     Full Idea: I recognize a primitive entelechy in the active force found in motion, something analogous to the soul, whose nature consists in a certain law of the same series of changes.
     From: Gottfried Leibniz (Letters to Burcher De Volder [1706], 1699.03.24)
     A reaction: This is his 'law-of-the-series', which is a speculative attempt to pin down the character of the active essence of things which gives rise to activity. The law of such activity is within the things themselves, as scientific essentialists claim.
Euler said nature is instrinsically passive, and minds cause change [Euler, by Ellis]
     Full Idea: Euler thought the powers necessary for the maintenance of the changing universe would turn out to be just the passive ones of inertia and impenetrability. There are no active powers, he urged, other than those of God and living beings.
     From: report of Leonhard Euler (Letters to a German Princess [1765]) by Brian Ellis - The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism Ch.4
     A reaction: Very significant, I think, for revealing the religious framework behind early theories of natural laws. If there is nothing external to impose powers and movements on nature, the source must be sought within - hence essentialism.
Scientists don't know the cause of magnetism, and only discover its regulations [Reid]
     Full Idea: A Newtonian philosopher …confesses his ignorance of the true cause of magnetic motion, and thinks that his business, as a philosopher, is only to find from experiment the laws by which it is regulated in all cases.
     From: Thomas Reid (Essays on Active Powers 1: Active power [1788], 6)
     A reaction: Since there is a 'true cause', that implies that the laws don't actively 'regulate' the magnetism, but only describe its regularity, which I think is the correct view of laws.
Laws are rules for effects, but these need a cause; rules of navigation don't navigate [Reid]
     Full Idea: The laws of nature are the rules according to which the effects are produced; but there must be a cause which operates according to these rules. The rules of navigation never navigated a ship.
     From: Thomas Reid (Essays on Active Powers 1: Active power [1788], 6)
     A reaction: Very nice. No enquirer should be satisfied with merely discovering patterns; the point is to explain the patterns.
The principle of the law of nature is that matter is passive, and is acted upon [Reid]
     Full Idea: The law of nature respecting matter is grounded upon this principle: That matter is an inert, inactive substance, which does not act, but is acted upon.
     From: Thomas Reid (Essays on Active Powers 4: Liberty of Agents [1788], 5)
     A reaction: A clear statement (alongside Euler's) of the 18th century view, still with us, but strikes me as entirely wrong. Their view needs the active power of God to drive the laws. Matter has intrinsic primitive powers, and laws describe patterns of behaviour.
The world is full of variety, but laws seem to produce uniformity [Peirce]
     Full Idea: Exact law obviously never can produce heterogeneity out of homogeneity; and arbitrary heterogeneity is the feature of the universe the most manifest and characteristic.
     From: Charles Sanders Peirce (The Architecture of Theories [1891], p.319)
     A reaction: This is the view of laws of nature now associated with Nancy Cartwright, but presumably you can explain the apparent chaos in terms of the intersection of vast numbers of 'laws'. Or, better, there aren't any laws.
Our laws of nature may be the result of evolution [Peirce]
     Full Idea: We may suppose that the laws of nature are results of an evolutionary process. ...But this evolution must proceed according to some principle: and this principle will itself be of the nature of a law.
     From: Charles Sanders Peirce (Reasoning and the Logic of Things [1898], VII)
     A reaction: Maybe I've missed something, but this seems a rather startling idea that doesn't figure much in modern discussions of laws of nature. Lee Smolin's account of evolving universes comes to mind.
In religious thought nature is a complex of arbitrary acts by conscious beings [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: In the mind of religious men, all nature is the sum of actions of conscious and intentioned beings, an enormous complex of arbitrary acts.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (Human, All Too Human [1878], 111)
     A reaction: This is the beginning of the process, I think, which then sees the gods as dictating through laws, and then the laws themselves doing the dictating, then seeing the laws as inhering in nature - and finally realising there aren't any laws!
The law of gravity has many consequences beyond its grounding observations [Russell]
     Full Idea: The law of gravitation leads to many consequences which could not be discovered merely from the apparent motions of the heavenly bodies.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Regressive Method for Premises in Mathematics [1907], p.275)
General relativity assumes laws of nature are the same in all frames of reference [Einstein, by Close]
     Full Idea: Einstein came to general relativity from the principles that the laws of nature are the same in all frames of reference.
     From: report of Albert Einstein (works [1915]) by Frank Close - Theories of Everything 5 'Cosmological'
     A reaction: I wish physicists would tell us a bit more about the ontological status of the 'laws of nature'. Presumably they are not supernatural, so there is an aspect of nature which is constant in all frames of reference. Explanation please.
Science depends on laws of nature to study unobserved times and spaces [Armstrong]
     Full Idea: The scientist trying to establish the geography and history of the unobserved portion of the universe must depend upon what he takes to be the laws of the universe.
     From: David M. Armstrong (What is a Law of Nature? [1983], 01.1)
     A reaction: This does seem to be the prime reason why we wish to invoke 'laws', but we could just as well say that we have to rely on induction. Spot patterns, then expect more of the same. Spot necessities? Mathematics is very valuable here, of course.
A universe couldn't consist of mere laws [Armstrong]
     Full Idea: A universe could hardly consist of laws and nothing else.
     From: David M. Armstrong (What is a Law of Nature? [1983], 06.4)
     A reaction: Hm. Discuss. How does a universe come into existence, if there are no laws to guide its creation?
For 'passivists' behaviour is imposed on things from outside [Ellis]
     Full Idea: A 'passivist' believes that the tendencies of things to behave as they do can never be inherent in the things themselves; they must always be imposed on them from the outside.
     From: Brian Ellis (The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism [2002], Intro)
     A reaction: This is the medieval view, inherited by Newton and Hume, which makes miracles a possibility, and makes the laws of nature contingent. Essentialism disagree. I think I am with the essentialists.
The laws of nature imitate the hierarchy of natural kinds [Ellis]
     Full Idea: If the natural kinds are divided into hierarchical categories, then essentialists would expect the laws of nature also to divide up into these categories, with the same hierarchy.
     From: Brian Ellis (The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism [2002], Ch.5)
     A reaction: This seems to me a real step forwards in our understanding of nature, and hence a nice example of the contribution which philosophy can make, instead of just physics.
Laws of nature tend to describe ideal things, or ideal circumstances [Ellis]
     Full Idea: Most of the propositions we think of as being (or as expressing) genuine laws of nature seem to describe only the behaviour of ideal kinds of things, or of things in ideal circumstances.
     From: Brian Ellis (The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism [2002], Ch.5)
     A reaction: Ellis this suggests that this phenomenon is because science aims at broad understanding instead of strict prediction. Do we simplify because we are a bit dim? Or is it because generalisation wouldn't exist without idealisation and abstraction?
We must explain the necessity, idealisation, ontology and structure of natural laws [Ellis]
     Full Idea: There are four major problems about the laws of nature: a necessity problem (must they be true?), an idealisation problem (why is this preferable?), an ontological problem (their grounds), and a structural problem (their relationships).
     From: Brian Ellis (The Philosophy of Nature: new essentialism [2002], Ch.5)
     A reaction: One might also ask why the laws (or their underlying essences) are the way they are, and not some other way, though the prospects of answering that don't look good. I don't think we should be satisfied with saying all of these questions are hopeless.
Laws don't exist in the world; they are true of the world [Ellis]
     Full Idea: Laws are not things that exist in the world; they are things that are true of the world.
     From: Brian Ellis (Scientific Essentialism [2001], 3.09)
     A reaction: I'm happy with this formulation. The one to get rid of is the idea of laws which could precede creation of the universe, and survive its demise. That might be possible, but we have absolutely no grounds for the claim. Humeans ought to agree.
Classification is just as important as laws in natural science [Harré]
     Full Idea: Classification systems, or taxonomies, are as important a part of the natural sciences as are the laws of nature.
     From: Rom Harré (Laws of Nature [1993], 1)
     A reaction: This illustrates how our view of science is radically shifted if we give biology equal prominence with physics.
Newton's First Law cannot be demonstrated experimentally, as that needs absence of external forces [Harré]
     Full Idea: We can never devise an experimental situation in which there are no external forces to act on a body. It follows that Newton's First Law could never be demonstrated by means of experiment or observation.
     From: Rom Harré (Laws of Nature [1993], 1)
     A reaction: It can't be wholly demonstrated, but certain observations conform to it, such as the movement of low friction bodies, or the movements of planetary bodies.
Physics aims for a list of natural properties [Lewis]
     Full Idea: Physics aspires to give an inventory of natural properties.
     From: David Lewis (New work for a theory of universals [1983], 'Dup,Sup,Div')
     A reaction: The sort of beautifully simple remark by which philosophers ought to earn a good living in the intellectual community. Come on physicists - this is all we want! Presumably the inventory will include an account of how they all work.
Physics discovers laws and causal explanations, and also the natural properties required [Lewis]
     Full Idea: Physics must not just discover laws and causal explanations. In putting forward as comprehensive theories that recognise only a limited range of natural properties, physics proposes inventories of the natural properties instantiated in our world.
     From: David Lewis (New work for a theory of universals [1983], 'Min Mat')
     A reaction: Physics does this job extremely well, offering things like force, spin, charge that are the building blocks for their theories. There is metaphysics at the heart of physics, unavoidably.
The normative view says laws show the natural behaviour of natural kind members [Lowe, by Mumford/Anjum]
     Full Idea: For Lowe law statements are in a sense about what 'ought' to be the case. The 'ought' is not an explicitly moral or anthropomorphic one but instead tells us what is the natural behaviour of kind members.
     From: report of E.J. Lowe (A Survey of Metaphysics [2002]) by S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum - Getting Causes from Powers 8.6
     A reaction: This is the 'normative' view of laws (as opposed to the intentional, dispositional, or regularity accounts). They cite Lowe 1989 Ch.8. The obvious immediate problem is things which evolved for one purpose and end up being used for another.
In the 'laws' view events are basic, and properties are categorical, only existing when manifested [Mumford]
     Full Idea: In the 'laws' world view, events are the basic ontological unit and properties are parasitic upon them. Properties exist only in virtue of their instantiation in events. Properties are categorical, because they are only manifested in the present.
     From: Stephen Mumford (Dispositions [1998], 10.2)
     A reaction: Mumford rejects this view, and I am with him all the way. The first requirement is that properties be active, and not inert. See Leibniz on this.
There are four candidates for the logical form of law statements [Mumford]
     Full Idea: The contenders for the logical form of a law statement are 1) a universally quantified conditional, 2) a second-order relation between first-order universals, 3) a functional equivalence, and 4) a dispositional characteristic of a natural kind.
     From: Stephen Mumford (Laws in Nature [2004], 10.3)
Laws of nature are ontological bedrock, and beyond analysis [Maudlin]
     Full Idea: The laws of nature stand in no need of 'philosophical analysis'; they ought to be posited as ontological bedrock.
     From: Tim Maudlin (The Metaphysics within Physics [2007], Intro)
     A reaction: This is Maudlin's most basic principle, and I don't agree with it. The notion that laws are more deeply embedded in reality than the physical stuff they control is a sort of 'law-mysticism' that needs to be challenged.
Laws are primitive, so two indiscernible worlds could have the same laws [Maudlin]
     Full Idea: Laws are ontologically primitives at least in that two worlds could differ in their laws but not in any observable respect. ….[21] I take content of the laws to be expressed by equations.
     From: Tim Maudlin (The Metaphysics within Physics [2007], 1.4)
     A reaction: At least that spells out his view fairly dramatically, but I am baffled as to what he thinks a law could be. He is arguing against the Lewis regularity-axioms view, and the Armstrong universal-relations view. He ignores the essentialist view.
Fundamental laws say how nature will, or might, evolve from some initial state [Maudlin]
     Full Idea: The fundamental laws of nature appear to be laws of temporal evolution: they specify how the state of the universe will, or might, evolve from a given intial state.
     From: Tim Maudlin (The Metaphysics within Physics [2007], 6)
     A reaction: Maudlin takes both laws of nature and the passage of time to be primitive facts, and this is how they are connected. I think (this week) that I take time and causation to be primitive, but not laws.
Laws are explanatory relationships of things, which supervene on their essences [Bird]
     Full Idea: The laws of a domain are the fundamental, general explanatory relationships between kinds, quantities, and qualities of that domain, that supervene upon the essential natures of those things.
     From: Alexander Bird (Nature's Metaphysics [2007], 10.1)
     A reaction: This is the scientific essentialist view of laws [see entries there, in 'Laws of Nature']. There seems uncertainty between 'kinds' and 'qualities' (with 'quantities' looking like a category mistake). I vote, with Ellis, for natural kinds as the basis.
Parapsychology is mere speculation, because it offers no mechanisms for its working [Bird]
     Full Idea: Wegener's theory of continental drift was only accepted when the theory of plate tectonics was developed, providing a mechanism. While some correlations exist for parapsychology, lack of plausible mechanisms leaves it as speculation.
     From: Alexander Bird (Philosophy of Science [1998], Ch.2)
     A reaction: But parapsychology is not even on a par with Wegener's speculation, because his was consistent with known physical laws, whereas parapsychology flatly contradicts them. The so-called correlations are also not properly established.
Newton's laws cannot be confirmed individually, but only in combinations [Bird]
     Full Idea: None of Newton's laws individually records anything that can be observed; it is only from combinations of Newton's laws that we can derive the measurable motions of bodies.
     From: Alexander Bird (Philosophy of Science [1998], Ch.2)
     A reaction: This certainly scuppers any traditional positivist approach to how we confirm laws of nature. It invites the possibility that a different combination might fit the same observations. Experiments attempt to isolate laws.
Existence requires laws, as inertia or gravity are needed for mass or matter [Bird]
     Full Idea: I suspect that what we mean by 'mass' and 'matter' depends on our identifying the existence of laws of inertia and gravity; hence the idea of a world without laws is incoherent, for there to be anything at all there must be some laws and some kinds.
     From: Alexander Bird (Philosophy of Science [1998], Ch.3)
     A reaction: I find this counterintuitive. Reasonably stable existence requires something reasonably like laws. We only understand the physical world because we interact with it. But neither of those is remotely as strong as Bird's claim.
Science may have uninstantiated laws, inferred from approaching some unrealised limit [Ladyman/Ross]
     Full Idea: It is possible that uninstantiated laws can be established in science, and consequently bear explanatory weight, ..if we need reasons for thinking that the closer conditions get to some limit, the more they approximate to some ideal.
     From: J Ladyman / D Ross (Every Thing Must Go [2007], 1.2.3)
     A reaction: [The cite Hüttemann 2004] I am dubious about laws, but I take this to be a point in favour of inference to the best explanation, and against accounts of laws as supervenient of how things actually are.
Many causal laws do not refer to kinds, but only to properties [Chakravartty]
     Full Idea: Causal laws often do not make reference to kinds of objects at all, but rather summarize relations between quantitative, causally efficacious properties of objects.
     From: Anjan Chakravarrty (Inessential Aristotle: Powers without Essences [2012], 3)
     A reaction: This would only be a serious challenge if it was not possible to translate talk of properties into talk of kinds, and vice versa.
Dispositional essentialism says fundamental laws of nature are strict, not ceteris paribus [Corry]
     Full Idea: Dispositional essentialism implies that the fundamental laws of nature must be strict, not ceteris paribus.
     From: Richard Corry (Dispositional Essentialism Grounds Laws of Nature? [2010], 1)
     A reaction: I am not keen on the 'laws' of nature, but since essentialism seems to make them necessary, you can't get stricter than that.
Any process can go backwards or forwards in time without violating the basic laws of physics [Ingthorsson]
     Full Idea: Because it makes no difference to exchange the time variable t with its contrary -t, in the fundamental laws of physics, any process can be described as going either backwards or forwards in time, without violating those laws.
     From: R.D. Ingthorsson (A Powerful Particulars View of Causation [2021], 4.13)
     A reaction: A few philosophers read a lot into this, but I don't. The inverse scenario may not breach the laws of physics, but it does involve time going backwards, which I think we can skip for now. Entropy would be interesting. Can information flow backwards?