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24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 8. Socialism

[control of main beneficial institutions by society]

13 ideas
People care less about what is communal, and more about what is their own [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: What is held communally by the most people gets the least care. For people give most thought to what is their own, less to what is communal, or only as much as falls to each of them to give.
     From: Aristotle (Politics [c.332 BCE], 1261b33)
     A reaction: That is, they care about the bit they contributed (I think). On a train, would people with feet on the seats do the same in their own home? Yes, probably! Caring about what is communal must be a cultural consensus. Pride in the NHS.
The great interest of the human race is cordial unity and unlimited mutual aid [Owen]
     Full Idea: It is the one great and universal interest of the human race to be cordially united, and to aid each other to the full extent of their capacities.
     From: Robert Owen (works [1830]), quoted by John H. Muirhead - The Service of the State IV
     A reaction: [Inscribed on his tomb in Newport, Shropshire] In the middle of the early industrial revolution, Owen worked hard for the rights of the people who worked in his factory.
Liberty without socialism is injustice; socialism without liberty is brutality [Bakunin]
     Full Idea: Liberty without socialism is injustice; socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality.
     From: Mikhail Bakunin (works [1867], 3), quoted by Adam Gopnik - A Thousand Small Sanities 3
     A reaction: [1867, but no reference] Bakunin was an anarchistic socialist. This must be the best one-line defence of socialism ever written. Gopnik quotes it as part of the anarchist critique of liberalism. So are liberty and socialism long-term compatible?
Being a slave of society is hardly better than being a slave of a despot [Russell]
     Full Idea: A society in which each is the slave of all is only a little better than one in which each is the slave of a despot.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Authority and the Individual [1949], 4)
     A reaction: This seems to apply quite accurately to the position of those state employees who have the lowest status and wages. Society as a whole exploits them, so it is hard to point the finger at their oppressors.
Managers are just as remote from workers under nationalisation as under capitalism [Russell]
     Full Idea: Nationalisation leaves managers and officials almost as remote from the workers as they are under a capitalist regime.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Authority and the Individual [1949], 4)
     A reaction: Russell's solution is workplace democracy. Presumably that could be imposed on a nationalised industry much more easily than on a profit-driven private capitalist industry.
Socialists say economic justice needs some state control of industries, and of foreign trade [Russell]
     Full Idea: Economic justice is held by Socialists (rightly, in my opinion) to involve state ownership of key industries and considerable regulation of foreign trade.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Authority and the Individual [1949], 5)
     A reaction: This must be to obtain greater control over the profits of industry, and also to prevent trade become too exploitative of weaker foreign nations. Britain had a socialist government when this book was written.
When the state is the only employer, there is no refuge from the prejudices of other people [Russell]
     Full Idea: Under state socialism ...where the State is the only employer, there is no refuge from its prejudices such as may now accidentally arise through the differing opinions of men.
     From: Bertrand Russell (Political Ideals [1917], 2)
     A reaction: There is also a strong likelihood in full state socialism that the state will control housing as well as employment. This hadn't come to pass in 1917.
It is not more money which the wretched members of society need [Weil]
     Full Idea: Suppose the devil were bargaining for the soul of some wretch, and some pitying person said to the devil 'Shame on you, that commodity is worth twice as much'. Such is the sinister farce played by the working class unions, parties and intellectuals.
     From: Simone Weil (Human Personality [1943], p.80)
     A reaction: A striking thought. It is paradoxical when the working classes despise the middle classes, and yet aspire to be like them. It's hard to know what a mystic like Weil has in mind. An obvious thought is that the aspiration should be freedom, not money.
Socialism tends to make a proletariat of the whole population [Weil]
     Full Idea: What is called Socialism tends to force everybody without distinction into the proletarian condition.
     From: Simone Weil (The Need for Roots [1943], II 'Towns')
     A reaction: For example, Weil favours maximising private house ownership, rather than communally owned housing. She is describing wholesale nationalisation. I would incline towards nationalisation only of all basic central services.
Socialist economics needs a very strong central power, virtually leading to slavery [Hayek, by Oksala]
     Full Idea: Hayek argues that socialist economic equality can only be effectively put into practice by a strong, dictatorial government. Planning has to be imposed by force, and centralised economic power creates a dependency scarcely distingishable from slavery.
     From: report of F.A. Hayek (The Road to Serfdom [1944]) by Johanna Oksala - Political Philosophy: all that matters Ch.7
     A reaction: I don't see much sign of the post-war British Labour government being anything like this, even though they nationalised the railways and introduce a national health service. Hayek was mesmerised by Russia.
Socialism can be productive and centralised, or less productive and decentralised [Dobson]
     Full Idea: Marx and his heirs promote a productivist socialism, but utopian socialists such as William Morris offer a less productivist and more decentralised form of socialism.
     From: Andrew Dobson (Environmental Politics: very short intro [2016], 2)
     A reaction: Modern history teaches us to be very cautious about the centralised version. Presumably you could be decentralised but still value production highly, even if it is a bit less efficient.
The welfare state aims at freedom from want, and equality of opportunity [Micklethwait/Wooldridge]
     Full Idea: In the classical liberal tradition freedom meant freedom from external control, and equality meant equality before the law. In the welfare state (of Beatrice Webb) freedom was reinterpreted as freedom from want, and equality as equality of opportunity.
     From: Micklethwait,J/Wooldridge,A (The Fourth Revolution [2014], 3)
     A reaction: The authors call this the 'third revolution' in government, after 17th century centralisation and early 19th century accountability. Tawney 1931 is the key text.
Redistributing wealth treats some people as means, rather than as ends [Swift]
     Full Idea: Treating people as means seems like a fairly accurate description of what is involved when the state coercively redistributes resources from some to others.
     From: Adam Swift (Political Philosophy (3rd ed) [2014], 1 'Nozick')
     A reaction: The objection comes from Nozick, and alludes to Kant's desire to treat everyone as an end in themselves. Personally I don't mind at all being treated as a means, when my wife asks me to make her a cup of tea. Or paying my taxes to help the community.