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24. Political Theory / D. Ideologies / 8. Socialism

[control of main beneficial institutions by society]

13 ideas
People care less about what is communal, and more about what is their own [Aristotle]
The great interest of the human race is cordial unity and unlimited mutual aid [Owen]
Liberty without socialism is injustice; socialism without liberty is brutality [Bakunin]
Being a slave of society is hardly better than being a slave of a despot [Russell]
Managers are just as remote from workers under nationalisation as under capitalism [Russell]
Socialists say economic justice needs some state control of industries, and of foreign trade [Russell]
When the state is the only employer, there is no refuge from the prejudices of other people [Russell]
It is not more money which the wretched members of society need [Weil]
Socialism tends to make a proletariat of the whole population [Weil]
Socialist economics needs a very strong central power, virtually leading to slavery [Hayek, by Oksala]
Socialism can be productive and centralised, or less productive and decentralised [Dobson]
The welfare state aims at freedom from want, and equality of opportunity [Micklethwait/Wooldridge]
Redistributing wealth treats some people as means, rather than as ends [Swift]