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24. Political Theory / C. Ruling a State / 3. Government / d. Size of government

[size of government in relation to the people]

2 ideas
Large populations needs stronger control, which means power should be concentrated [Rousseau]
     Full Idea: The government becomes slack as the magistrates are multiplied, and the more numerous the people the greater should be the increase of repressive force - the number of leaders should decrease in proportion to the increase of the number of people.
     From: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract (tr Cress) [1762], III.02)
     A reaction: This bit sounds Stalinist! A vast population seems to require a dictator. When his state is Geneva-sized Rousseau seems comfortable, but his plans for bigger states are a bit disturbing.
Democracy for small states, aristocracy for intermediate, monarchy for large [Rousseau]
     Full Idea: Democratic government is suited to small states, aristocratic government to states of intermediate size, and monarchical government to large ones.
     From: Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract (tr Cress) [1762], III.03)
     A reaction: Is he thinking of France for the large state? What would he have made of 1789? Does this progression go on to increase the power of the monarch as the state gets even larger, into dictatorship?