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23. Ethics / F. Existentialism / 7. Existential Action

[existentialist attitude to decisions and ethics]

17 ideas
Life isn't given to us like a novel - we write the novel [Novalis]
     Full Idea: Life must not be a novel that is given to us, but one that is made by us.
     From: Novalis (Logological Fragments I [1798], 99)
     A reaction: The roots of existentialism are in the Romantic movement. Sartre seems to have taken this idea literally.
What matters is not right choice, but energy, earnestness and pathos in the choosing [Kierkegaard]
     Full Idea: In making a choice, it is not so much a question of choosing the right way as of the energy, the earnestness, and the pathos with which one chooses.
     From: Søren Kierkegaard (Either/Or: a fragment of life [1843], p.106), quoted by Kevin Aho - Existentialism: an introduction 2 'Phenomenology'
     A reaction: I'm struggling to identify with the experience he is describing. I can't imagine a more quintessentially existentialist remark than this. Reference to 'energy' in choosing strikes me as very romantic. Is 'the way not taken' crucial (in 'pathos')?
Life may be understood backwards, but it has to be lived forwards [Kierkegaard]
     Full Idea: Philosophy is perfectly right in saying that life must be understood backwards. But then it forgets the other side - that it must be lived forwards.
     From: Søren Kierkegaard (The Journals of Kierkegaard [1850], JP-III, 635)
     A reaction: Some of the best philosophers dwell too much on philosophy, history and the past, while forgetting to actually live and enjoy their lives. [SY]
The best life is the dangerous life [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: The secret of harvesting the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from existence is: live dangerously!
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Gay (Joyful) Science [1882], §283)
     A reaction: I treasured this quotation when I was 17, but failed to live up to it.
Morality used to be for preservation, but now we can only experiment, giving ourselves moral goals [Nietzsche]
     Full Idea: Formerly one employed morality for preservation: but nobody wants to preserve any longer, there is nothing to preserve. Therefore an experimental morality: to give oneself a goal.
     From: Friedrich Nietzsche (The Will to Power (notebooks) [1888], §260)
     A reaction: This strikes me as the essence of Nietzsche, and the relativist position. Exciting and dangerous. Let's kill someone (Gide). Take drugs (Manson). Betray friends (Genet). Be altruistic…?
Nietzsche was fascinated by a will that can turn against itself [Nietzsche, by Safranski]
     Full Idea: Nietzsche was fascinated by the idea of a will that turns against itself, against its usual impulses.
     From: report of Friedrich Nietzsche (Works (refs to 8 vol Colli and Montinari) [1885]) by Rüdiger Safranski - Nietzsche: a philosophical biography 03
     A reaction: This strikes me as very existentialist - a case of existence before essence.
Every decision I make moves towards or away from fulfilled Existenz [Jaspers]
     Full Idea: My Existenz, as a possibility, takes a step toward being or away from being, toward nothingness, in every choice or decision I make.
     From: Karl Jaspers (Philosophy [1932], vol.2)
     A reaction: The existential idea of action involves what you are, as well as what you do. There seems to be a paradox. My being is plastic, and can change enormously, so I should take responsibility for the change. But who is in charge of the changes?
When a man must choose between his mother and the Resistance, no theory can help [Sartre, by Fogelin]
     Full Idea: When a young man must choose between his bereft mother and the French Resistance, Sartre says no moral theory is capable of resolving the dilemma; the man must act on his own, and in the process define his moral character.
     From: report of Jean-Paul Sartre (Existentialism and Humanism [1945], p.35-9) by Robert Fogelin - Walking the Tightrope of Reason Ch.2
     A reaction: Fogelin agrees, but rejects Sartre's claim that all morality is like this. I agree with Fogelin. However, what I like is the idea of 'defining one's moral character' by choices, but that is because it endorses the views of Aristotle (e.g. Idea 4394).
If I do not choose, that is still a choice [Sartre]
     Full Idea: If I do not choose, that is still a choice.
     From: Jean-Paul Sartre (Existentialism and Humanism [1945], p.48)
Essential problems either risk death, or intensify the passion of life [Camus]
     Full Idea: The essential problems are those that run the risk of leading to death, or those that intensify the passion of living.
     From: Albert Camus (The Myth of Sisyphus [1942], 'Abs and Suic')
     A reaction: This seems to be distinctively existentialist, in a way that a cool concern for great truths are not ranked as so important. Ranking dangerous problems as crucial seems somehow trivial for a philosopher. Intensity of life is more impressive.
Danger and integrity are not in the leap of faith, but in remaining poised just before the leap [Camus]
     Full Idea: The leap of faith does not represent an extreme danger as Kierkegaard would like it to do. The danger, on the contrary, lies in the subtle instant that precedes the leap. Being able to remain on the dizzying crest - that is integrity.
     From: Albert Camus (The Myth of Sisyphus [1942], 'Phil Suic')
     A reaction: I have always found that a thrilling thought. It perfectly distinguishes atheist existentialism from religious existentialism. It is Camus' best image for how the Absurd can be a life affirming idea, rather than a sort of nihilism. Life gains intensity.
Kantian existentialists care greatly for reasons for action, whereas Surrealists care nothing [Murdoch]
     Full Idea: What may be called the Kantian wing and the Surrealist wing of existentialism may be distinguished by the degree of their interest in reasons for action, which diminishes to nothing at the Surrealist end.
     From: Iris Murdoch (The Sovereignty of Good [1970], I)
     A reaction: Presumably for all existentialists moral decisions are the most important aspect of life, since they define what you are, but the Surrealist wing seem to be nihilists about that, so they barely count as existentialists. For them life is sleepwalking.
Only a philosopher might think choices create values [Murdoch]
     Full Idea: The ordinary person does not, unless corrupted by philosophy, believe that he creates values by his choices.
     From: Iris Murdoch (The Sovereignty of Good [1970], III)
     A reaction: This looks like a swipe at Nietzsche, more than anyone. Sartre and co talk less about values, other than authenticity. Philosophy can definitely be corrupting.
Refraining from murder is not made good by authenticity or self-fulfilment [Foot]
     Full Idea: If a stranger should come on us when we are sleeping he will not think it all right to kill us. …In human life as it is, this kind of action is not made good by authenticity or self-fulfilment in the one who does it.
     From: Philippa Foot (Natural Goodness [2001], 7)
     A reaction: A rare swipe from Foot at existentialism, which she hardly ever mentions. I find it hard to see these existential virtues as in any way moral. It means nothing to other citizens whether one of their number is 'authentic'.
Ethical conviction must be to some extent passive, and can't just depend on the will and decisions [Williams,B]
     Full Idea: The view that the only alternative to the intellect is the will, and the source of ethical conviction is decisions about principles and ways of life, cannot be right; ethical conviction, like any conviction, must to some extent come to you passively.
     From: Bernard Williams (Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy [1985], Ch. 9)
     A reaction: Seems right. We cannot choose our factual beliefs (look at the sun and believe it is cloudy!). Could I 'decide' that it was right to betray my family just for fun?
Taking responsibility won't cure ethical uncertainty by; we are uncertain what to decide [Williams,B]
     Full Idea: If ethics is a matter of decision, and we must face the responsibility and burden of those decisions, this ignores the obvious point that if we are uncertain, then we are uncertain what to decide.
     From: Bernard Williams (Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy [1985], Ch. 9)
     A reaction: Good point. The defence would be that the decision itself contains the seeds of certainty. Do something rather than nothing, and the sense of it will emerge. Modify as you go along.
The key to existentialism: the way you make choices is more important than what you choose [Graham]
     Full Idea: The chief implication of existentialism is this: what you choose to do, how you choose to spend your life, is not as important as the way you choose it.
     From: Gordon Graham (Eight Theories of Ethics [2004], Ch.5)
     A reaction: While existentialists place emphasis on some notion of 'pure' choice, this is very close to the virtue theory idea that in a dilemma there may be several different choices which could all be rightly made by virtuous people. Integrity is a central virtue.