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11. Knowledge Aims / C. Knowing Reality / 4. Solipsism

[only the contents of the thinker's mind exist]

8 ideas
I myself could be the author of all these self-delusions [Descartes]
We are only aware of other beings through our senses; without that, we are alone in the universe [Reid]
Ideas arise through communication, and reason is reached through community [Feuerbach]
It is not illogical to think that only myself and my mental events exist [Russell]
Strict solipsism is pure realism, with the self as a mere point in surrounding reality [Wittgenstein]
Extreme solipsism only concerns current experience, but it might include past and future [Dancy,J]
The Cogito demands a bridge to the world, and ends in isolating the ego [Velarde-Mayol]
Methodological Solipsism assumes all ideas could be derived from one mind [Kusch]