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23. Ethics / B. Contract Ethics / 5. Free Rider

[one who achieves maximum success by breaking contracts]

6 ideas
Sin first, then sacrifice to the gods from the proceeds [Plato]
     Full Idea: The thing to do is to sin first and sacrifice afterwards from the proceeds.
     From: Plato (The Republic [c.374 BCE], 365e)
     A reaction: A bit like Graham Greene's Catholicism. One Greek view of the gods seems to be that they are quite myopic and naïve.
No one who admitted to not keeping contracts could ever be accepted as a citizen [Hobbes]
     Full Idea: He therefore that breaketh his covenant, and consequently declareth that he thinks he may with reason do so, cannot be received into any society.
     From: Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan [1651], 1.15)
If there is a good reason for breaking a contract, the same reason should have stopped the making of it [Hobbes]
     Full Idea: If any fault of man be sufficient to discharge our covenant made, the same ought in reason to have been sufficient to have hindered the making of it.
     From: Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan [1651], 1.15)
We all know that just pretending to be someone's friend is not the good life [Foot]
     Full Idea: We know perfectly well that it is not true that the best life would consist in successfully pretending friendship: having friends to serve one but without being a real friend oneself.
     From: Philippa Foot (Natural Goodness [2001], 7)
     A reaction: For some skallywags the achieving of something for nothing seems to be very much the good life, but not many of them want to exploit people who are seen to be their friends.
A weakness of contractual theories is the position of a person of superior ability and power [Williams,B]
     Full Idea: A particular weakness of the contractual theory is that it is unstable with respect to a superior agent, one more intelligent and resourceful and persuasive than the rest.
     From: Bernard Williams (Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy [1985], Ch. 3)
     A reaction: The very weak are equally a problem. Democratic societies produce fewer inequalities. Hierarchical societies are miserable (I expect..).
Any social theory of morality has the problem of the 'free rider', who only pretends to join in [Scruton]
     Full Idea: Any attempt to provide a social justification of morality runs the risk of the 'free rider' - one who pretends to play the game in order to enjoy the fruits of it.
     From: Roger Scruton (Modern Philosophy:introduction and survey [1994], 20.6)