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7. Existence / B. Change in Existence / 4. Events / a. Nature of events

[what we should take events to consist of]

17 ideas
Events are states of affairs that occur at certain places and times [Chisholm]
     Full Idea: We will restrict events to those states of affairs which occur at certain places and times.
     From: Roderick Chisholm (Person and Object [1976], 4.6)
     A reaction: If I say 'the bomb may explode sometime', that doesn't seem to refer to an event. Philosophers like Chisholm bowl along, defining left, right and centre, and never seem to step back from their system and ask obvious critical questions.
Maybe each event has only one possible causal history [Bennett]
     Full Idea: Perhaps it is impossible that an event should have had a causal history different from the one that it actually had.
     From: Jonathan Bennett (Event Causation: counterfactual analysis [1987], p.220)
     A reaction: [He cites van Inwagen for this] The idea is analagous to baptismal accounts of reference. Individuate an event by its history. It might depend (as Davidson implies) on how you describe the event.
Maybe an event's time of occurrence is essential to it [Bennett]
     Full Idea: It has been argued that an event's time of occurrence is essential to it.
     From: Jonathan Bennett (Event Causation: counterfactual analysis [1987], p.221)
     A reaction: [He cites Lawrence Lombard] This sound initially implausible, particularly if a rival event happened, say, .1 of a second later than the actual event. It might depend on one's view about determinism. Interesting.
We need 'events' to explain adverbs, which are adjectival predicates of events [Davidson, by Lycan]
     Full Idea: To deal with the truth conditions for some adverbs, Davidson introduced a domain of 'events', and made adverbs into adjectival predicates of events.
     From: report of Donald Davidson (The Logical Form of Action Sentences [1967]) by William Lycan - Philosophy of Language Ch.9
     A reaction: This seems to be a striking case of a procedure of which I heartily disapprove - deriving you ontology from your semantics. Do all languages have adverbs?
Language-learning is not good enough evidence for the existence of events [Yablo on Davidson]
     Full Idea: One needs a better reason for believing in events than the help they provide with language-learning.
     From: comment on Donald Davidson (The Logical Form of Action Sentences [1967], §8) by Stephen Yablo - Apriority and Existence §8
     A reaction: I can almost believe in micro-events at the quantum level, but I cannot believe that the Renaissance (made of events within events within events) is an event, even though I may 'quantify over it', and discuss its causes and effects.
Events do not have natural boundaries, and we have to set them [Ayers]
     Full Idea: In order to know which event has been ostensively identified by a speaker, the auditor must know the limits intended by the speaker. ...Events do not have natural boundaries.
     From: M.R. Ayers (Individuals without Sortals [1974], 'Concl')
     A reaction: He distinguishes events thus from natural objects, where the world, to a large extent, offers us the boundaries. Nice point.
The events that suit semantics may not be the events that suit causation [Lewis]
     Full Idea: There is no guarantee that events made for semantics are the same as events that are causes and effects.
     From: David Lewis (Events [1986], I)
     A reaction: This little cri de couer could be a motto for a huge amount of analytic philosophy, which (for some odd reason) thought that mathematics, logic, set theory and formal semantics were good tools for explaining nature.
Events have inbuilt essences, as necessary conditions for their occurrence [Lewis]
     Full Idea: Events have their essences built in, in the form of necessary conditions for their occurrence.
     From: David Lewis (Events [1986], III)
     A reaction: Revealing. He thinks the essence of an event is something which precedes the event. I take it as obvious that if an event has an essence, it will be some features of the event that occur in it and during it. They need to be intrinsic.
Events are classes, and so there is a mereology of their parts [Lewis]
     Full Idea: If events are classes, as I propose, then they have a mereology in the way that all classes do: the parts of a class are its subclasses.
     From: David Lewis (Events [1986], V)
     A reaction: Lewis says events are properties, which he regards as classes. It is not clear that events are strictly mereological. Could one happening be two events? Is WWII a simple sum of its parts? [see p.260]
Some events involve no change; they must, because causal histories involve unchanges [Lewis]
     Full Idea: Not all events involve change. We cannot afford to count the unchanges as nonevents, for the unchanges may be needed to complete causal histories.
     From: David Lewis (Events [1986], VI)
     A reaction: You end up calling non-changes 'events' if you commit to a simplistic theory that all causal histories consist of events. Why not allow conditions as well as events? Lewis concedes that he may be abusing language.
If slowness is a property of walking rather than the walker, we must allow that events exist [Benardete,JA]
     Full Idea: Once we conceded that Tom can walk slowly or quickly, and that the slowness and quickness is a property of the walking and not of Tom, we can hardly refrain from quantifying over events (such as 'a walking') in our ontology.
     From: José A. Benardete (Metaphysics: the logical approach [1989], Ch. 6)
Events are changes or non-changes in properties and relations of persisting objects [Lowe]
     Full Idea: My own broadly Aristotelian view is that events are changes (and unchanges) in the properties and relations of persisting objects.
     From: E.J. Lowe (The Possibility of Metaphysics [1998], 4.4)
     A reaction: This needs an account of what it is that persists, and the philosophers' (but not physicists') concept of 'substance' fills this role. It is rather hard to give identity-conditions for an event if it is an 'unchange'. How would you count such events?
Numerically distinct events of the same kind (like two battles) can coincide in space and time [Lowe]
     Full Idea: Numerically distinct events of the same kind (like two battles) can plausible coincide in space and time.
     From: E.J. Lowe (A Survey of Metaphysics [2002], p.225)
     A reaction: This is certainly discouraging for anyone who wanted to make events ontologically basic. Physicalist need to be able to individuate events in a reductive way.
Einstein's relativity brought events into ontology, as the terms of a simultaneity relationships [Simons]
     Full Idea: The ontology of events rose in philosophy with the rise of relativity theory in physics. Einstein postulated the relativity of simultaneity to an observer's state of motion. The terms of the relation of simultaneity must be events or their parts.
     From: Peter Simons (Events [2003], 1.1.2)
     A reaction: Intriguing. Philosophers no doubt think they are way ahead of physicists in such a metaphysical area. Personally I regard the parentage of the concept as good grounds for scepticism about it. See Idea 7621 for my reason.
Prolonged events don't seem to endure or exist at any particular time [Merricks]
     Full Idea: That events endure is difficult to reconcile with the claim that, say, the American Civil War existed; for such an event seems never to have been 'wholly present' at any single time.
     From: Trenton Merricks (Objects and Persons [2003], §3 n14)
     A reaction: A nice problem example for those who, like Kim, want their ontology to include events. Personally I am happy to allow some vagueness here. The Civil War only became an 'event' on the day it finished. An event's time need not be an instant.
I do not think there is a general identity condition for events [Simons]
     Full Idea: Like Anscombe (1979) I do not think there is such a creature as a general identity condition for events.
     From: Peter Simons (Parts [1987], 4.1 n1)
     A reaction: My working definition of an event is 'any part of a process which can be individuated'. This leaves you trying to define a process, and define individuate, and then to realise that individuation is not an objective matter.
Events are essentially changes; property exemplifications are just states of affairs [Mumford/Anjum]
     Full Idea: Events are to be understood essentially as changes, rather than as property exemplifications. A particular exemplifying a property (as in Kim 1973 and Lewis 1986) would be better understood as a state of affairs.
     From: S.Mumford/R.Lill Anjum (Getting Causes from Powers [2011], 2.3)
     A reaction: I agree entirely with this. I've never been able to make sense of events as such static relations. It resembles the dubious Russellian view of motion as just being at one place and then at another.