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19. Language / B. Reference / 2. Denoting

[the picking out of some specific thing]

5 ideas
A definite description 'denotes' an entity if it fits the description uniquely [Russell, by Recanati]
     Full Idea: In Russell's definition of 'denoting', a definite description denotes an entity if that entity fits the description uniquely.
     From: report of Bertrand Russell (On Denoting [1905]) by François Recanati - Mental Files 17.2
     A reaction: [Recanati cites Donnellan for this] Hence denoting is not the same thing as reference. A description can denote beautifully, but fail to refer. Donnellan says if denoting were reference, someone might refer without realising it.
Referring is not denoting, and Russell ignores the referential use of definite descriptions [Donnellan on Russell]
     Full Idea: If I am right, referring is not the same as denoting and the referential use of definite descriptions is not recognised on Russell's view.
     From: comment on Bertrand Russell (On Denoting [1905]) by Keith Donnellan - Reference and Definite Descriptions §I
     A reaction: This introduces a new theory of reference, which goes beyond the mere contents of linguistic experessions. It says reference is an 'external' and 'causal' affair, and so a definite description is not sufficient to make a reference.
Denoting phrases are meaningless, but guarantee meaning for propositions [Russell]
     Full Idea: Denoting phrases never have any meaning in themselves, but every proposition in whose verbal expression they occur has a meaning.
     From: Bertrand Russell (On Denoting [1905], p.43)
     A reaction: This is the important idea that the sentence is the basic unit of meaning, rather than the word. I'm not convinced that this dispute needs to be settled. Words are pretty pointless outside of propositions, and propositions are impossible without words.
In 'Scott is the author of Waverley', denotation is identical, but meaning is different [Russell]
     Full Idea: If we say 'Scott is the author of Waverley', we assert an identity of denotation with a difference of meaning.
     From: Bertrand Russell (On Denoting [1905], p.46)
     A reaction: This shows Russell picking up Frege's famous distinction, as shown in 'Hesperus is Phosphorus'. To distinguish the meaning from the reference was one of the greatest (and simplest) clarifications ever offered of how language works.
Terms denote objects with properties, and statements denote the world with that property [Engelbretsen]
     Full Idea: In term logic, what a term denotes are the objects having the property it signifies. What a statement denotes is the world, that which has the constitutive property it signifies.
     From: George Engelbretsen (Trees, Terms and Truth [2005], 4)