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20. Action / C. Motives for Action / 5. Action Dilemmas / a. Dilemmas

[situations with conflicting motives to act]

12 ideas
A man should sooner die than do some dreadful things, no matter how cruel the death [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: Presumably there are some things such that a man cannot be compelled to do them - that he must sooner die than do, though he suffer the most dreadful fate.
     From: Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics [c.334 BCE], 1110a27)
     A reaction: This is a central concept for virtue theory - that no possible 'utilitarian calculation' could allow a virtuous person to do some awful thing because of a cool assessment that it will eventually add up to increased happiness.
Moral questions can only be decided by common opinion [Hume]
     Full Idea: Though an appeal to general opinion may justly, in the speculative sciences of metaphysics, natural philosophy or astronomy, be deemed unfair, yet in all questions with regard to morals there is really no other standard for deciding controversies.
     From: David Hume (Of the original contract [1741], p.291)
     A reaction: Surely this is too pessimistic. Common opinion decided to burn people to death for being witches. Common opinion may usually win, but there must sometimes be good grounds for resisting it.
There is no restitution after a dilemma, if it only involved the agent, or just needed an explanation [Foot, by PG]
     Full Idea: The 'remainder' after a dilemma can't be a matter of apology and restitution, because the dilemma may only involve the agent's own life, and in the case of broken promises we only owe an explanation, if the breaking is justifiable.
     From: report of Philippa Foot (Moral Dilemmas Revisited [1995], p.183) by PG - Db (ideas)
     A reaction: But what if someone has been financially ruined by it? If the agent feels guilty about that, is getting over it the rational thing to do? (Foot says that is an new obligation, and not part of the original dilemma).
I can't understand how someone can be necessarily wrong whatever he does [Foot]
     Full Idea: I do not see how …we can know how to interpret the idea of a situation in which someone will necessarily be wrong whatever he does.
     From: Philippa Foot (Moral Dilemmas Revisited [1995], p.188)
     A reaction: Seems right. If you think of hideous dilemmas (frequent in wartime), there must always be a right thing to do (or two equally right things to do), even if the outcome is fairly hideous. Just distinguish the right from the good.
Many ethical theories neglect the power of regretting the ought not acted upon [Williams,B]
     Full Idea: It is a fundamental criticism of many ethical theories that their accounts of moral conflict and its resolution do not do justice to the facts of regret...: basically because they eliminate from the scene the ought that is not acted upon.
     From: Bernard Williams (Ethical consistency [1965], p.175), quoted by Philippa Foot - Moral Realism and Moral Dilemma p.39
     A reaction: [p.175 in Problems of the Self] Williams seems to have initiated this idea. It doesn't matter much for Kantians and Utilitarians (any more than a wrong answer in maths), but it matters if character is the focus. The virtuous have regrets.
A problem arises in any moral system that allows more than one absolute right [Glover]
     Full Idea: A problem arises in any moral system that allows more than one absolute right.
     From: Jonathan Glover (Causing Death and Saving Lives [1977], §5.6)
     A reaction: Presumably the right to rest on Sunday doesn't conflict with the right to disabled parking on weekdays. He has, though, a point…
After a moral dilemma is resolved there is still a 'remainder', requiring (say) regret [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: When one moral requirement has overriden another in a dilemma, there is still a 'remainder', so that regret, or the recognition of some new requirement, are still appropriate.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.2)
     A reaction: This is a powerful point on behalf of virtue ethics. There is a correct way to feel about the application of rules and calculations. Judges sleep well at night, but virtuous people may not.
Deontologists resolve moral dilemmas by saying the rule conflict is merely apparent [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: With respect to resolvable dilemmas, the deontologist's strategy is to argue that the 'conflict' between the two rules which has generated the dilemma is merely apparent.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.2)
     A reaction: This assumes that the rules can't conflict (because they come for God, or pure reason), but we might say that there are correct rules which do conflict. Morality isn't physics, or tennis.
Involuntary actions performed in tragic dilemmas are bad because they mar a good life [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: The actions a virtuous agent is forced to in tragic dilemmas fail to be good actions because the doing of them, no matter how unwillingly or involuntarily, mars or ruins a good life.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.3)
     A reaction: Of course, only virtuous people have their lives ruined by such things. For the cold or the wicked it is just water off a duck's back.
You are not a dishonest person if a tragic dilemma forces you to do something dishonest [Hursthouse]
     Full Idea: Doing what is, say, dishonest solely in the context of a tragic dilemma does not entail being dishonest, possessing that vice.
     From: Rosalind Hursthouse (On Virtue Ethics [1999], Ch.3 n8)
     A reaction: This seems right, although it mustn't be thought that the dishonesty is thereby excused. Virtuous people find being dishonest very painful.
Errors in moral practice might be inconsistent or inappropriate principles, or inappropriate application [LaFollette]
     Full Idea: I might make parallel 'mistakes' in ethical deliberation. For instance I might 1) use inconsistent ethical principles, 2) have inappropriate moral standards, and 3) apply moral standards inappropriately.
     From: Hugh LaFollette (Introductions in 'Ethics in Practice' [2002], p.005)
     A reaction: I would want to get the word 'values' in there somewhere. Dogmatic application of moral rules might indicate a failure of values.
We can discuss the criteria of a judgment, or the weight given to them, or their application [LaFollette]
     Full Idea: In discussing a movie you can challenge my criteria, the weight I give to those criteria, or my application of the criteria (the claim that the movie satisfies the criteria).
     From: Hugh LaFollette (Introductions in 'Ethics in Practice' [2002], p.008)
     A reaction: I can't think of anything missing here, so it is a helpful start.