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9. Objects / C. Structure of Objects / 5. Composition of an Object

[objects seen as made up of their parts]

23 ideas
In Parmenides, if composition is identity, a whole is nothing more than its parts [Plato, by Harte,V]
     Full Idea: At the heart of the 'Parmenides' puzzles about composition is the thesis that composition is identity. Considered thus, a whole adds nothing to an ontology that already includes its parts
     From: report of Plato (Parmenides [c.364 BCE]) by Verity Harte - Plato on Parts and Wholes 2.5
     A reaction: There has to be more to a unified identity that mere proximity of the parts. When do parts come together, and when do they actually 'compose' something?
If one object is divided into its parts, someone can then say that one are many and many is one [Plato]
     Full Idea: Someone can theoretically divide an object into constituent parts, concede that they are one object, and then claim that therefore the one is many and the many are one.
     From: Plato (Philebus [c.353 BCE], 14e)
Is there a house over and above its bricks? [Aristotle]
     Full Idea: Is there a house over and above its bricks?
     From: Aristotle (Metaphysics [c.324 BCE], 1033b19)
A mass consists of its atoms, so the addition or removal of one changes its identity [Locke]
     Full Idea: Whilst they exist united together, the mass consisting of the same atoms must be the same mass, ...but if one of those atoms be taken away, or one new one added, it is no longer the same mass, or the same body.
     From: John Locke (Essay Conc Human Understanding (2nd Ed) [1694], 2.27.03)
     A reaction: This is clearly a 'strict and philosophical' usage, rather than a 'loose and popular' one - indeed, so strict as to be ridiculous. Knowing what we do now of quantum activity (emission of photons etc), we would abandon 'identity' totally.
Identity is an atemporal relation, but composition is relative to times [Wiggins, by Sider]
     Full Idea: Wiggins points out that identity is an atemporal relation whereas composition, like parthood, holds only relative to times.
     From: report of David Wiggins (Sameness and Substance Renewed [2001]) by Theodore Sider - Four Dimensionalism 5.3
     A reaction: If David Cameron is identical to the Prime Minister, that doesn't seem to be atemporal. If x=7 in this problem, I can change x to something else in the next problem. x had better not be equal to 7 and to 9.
The many are many and the one is one, so they can't be identical [Lewis]
     Full Idea: What is true of the many is not exactly what is true of the one. After all they are many while it is one. The number of the many is six, whereas the number of the fusion is one. The singletons of the many are distinct from the singleton of the one.
     From: David Lewis (Parts of Classes [1991], 3.6)
     A reaction: I wouldn't take this objection to be conclusive. 'Some pebbles' seem to be many, but a 'handful of pebbles' seem to be one, where the physical situation might be identical. If they are not identical, then the non-identity is purely conceptual.
Lewis affirms 'composition as identity' - that an object is no more than its parts [Lewis, by Merricks]
     Full Idea: Lewis says that the parts of a thing are identical with the whole they compose, calling his view 'composition as identity', which is the claim that a physical object is 'nothing over and above its parts'.
     From: report of David Lewis (Parts of Classes [1991], p.84-7) by Trenton Merricks - Objects and Persons §I.IV
     A reaction: The ontological economy of this view is obviously attractive, but I don't agree with it. You certainly can't say that all identity consists entirely of composition by parts, because the parts need identity to get the view off the ground.
Composition is not just making new things from old; there are too many counterexamples [Lewis]
     Full Idea: Not just any operation that makes new things from old is a form of composition! There is no sense in which my parents are part of me, and no sense in which two numbers are parts of their greatest common factor.
     From: David Lewis (Against Structural Universals [1986], 'Variants')
     A reaction: One of those rare moments when David Lewis seems to have approached a really sensible metaphysics. Further on he rejects all forms of composition apart from mereology.
If contact causes composition, do two colliding balls briefly make one object? [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: If composition just requires contact, if I cause the cue ball to rebound from the eight ball, do I thereby create a short-lived object shaped like two slightly flattened spheres in contact?
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 03)
     A reaction: [compressed]
If bricks compose a house, that is at least one thing, but it might be many things [Inwagen]
     Full Idea: If composition just requires contact, that tells us that the bricks of a house compose at least one thing; it does not tell us that they also compose at most one thing.
     From: Peter van Inwagen (Material Beings [1990], 04)
Why should packed-together particles be a thing (Mt Everest), but not scattered ones? [Benardete,JA]
     Full Idea: Why suppose these particles packed together constitute a macro-entity (namely, Mt Everest), whereas those, of equal number, scattered around, fail to add up to anything beyond themselves?
     From: José A. Benardete (Metaphysics: the logical approach [1989], Ch. 2)
The identity of composite objects isn't fixed by original composition, because how do you identify the origin? [Lowe]
     Full Idea: It is not at all clear that the identity of a composite object can be fixed by the identity of its original composition, since there are good grounds for claiming that the reverse is in fact the case.
     From: E.J. Lowe (The Possibility of Metaphysics [1998], 7.5)
     A reaction: That is, how could you identify the origin if you didn't know what it was that had originated? Nice point. See also Idea 8274. Vicars must make sure they baptise the right baby.
'Composition as identity' says that an object just is the objects which compose it [Sider]
     Full Idea: 'Composition as identity' says that when a thing, x, is composed of some other objects, the ys, then this is a kind of identity between the x and the ys. The industrial-strength version says object x just is the ys. Lewis says it is just an analogy.
     From: Theodore Sider (Four Dimensionalism [2001], 5.3)
     A reaction: I am averse to such a doctrine, as is Leibniz, with his insistence that an aggregate is not a unity. There has to be some sort of principle that bestows oneness on a many. I take this to be structural, and is an elucidation of hylomorphism.
If a chair could be made of slightly different material, that could lead to big changes [Hale]
     Full Idea: How shall we prevent a sorites taking us to the conclusion that a chair might have originated in a completely disjoint lot of wood, or even in some other material altogether?
     From: Bob Hale (Necessary Beings [2013], 11.3.7)
     A reaction: This seems a good criticism of Kripke's implausible claim that his lectern is necessarily (or essentially) made of the piece of wood it is made of. Could his lectern have had a small piece of plastic inserted in it?
'Composition is identity' says multitudes are the reality, loosely composing single things [Varzi]
     Full Idea: The thesis known as 'composition is identity' is that identity is mereological composition; a fusion is just the parts counted loosely, but it is strictly a multitude and loosely a single thing.
     From: Achille Varzi (Mereology [2003], 4.3)
     A reaction: [He cites D.Baxter 1988, in Mind] It is not clear, from this simple statement, what the difference is between multitudes that are parts of a thing, and multitudes that are not. A heavy weight seems to hang on the notion of 'composed of'.
'Unrestricted composition' says any two things can make up a third thing [Merricks]
     Full Idea: If my dog and the top half of my tree compose an object, this is defended under the title of 'unrestricted (universal) composition', the thesis that any two things compose something.
     From: Trenton Merricks (Objects and Persons [2003], §1.II)
     A reaction: David Lewis is cited amongst those defending this thesis. My intuition is against this thesis, because I think identity is partly dictated by nature, and is not entirely conventional. You can force an identity, but you feel the 'restriction'.
Composition as identity is false, as identity is never between a single thing and many things [Merricks]
     Full Idea: One of the most obvious facts about identity is that it holds one-one (John and Mr Smith) and perhaps many-many (John+Mary and Mr Smith+Miss Jones), but never one-many. It follows that composition as identity (things are their parts) is false.
     From: Trenton Merricks (Objects and Persons [2003], §1.IV)
     A reaction: This assumes that 'having identity' and 'being identical to' are the same concept. I agree with his conclusion, but am not convinced by the argument. I'm not even quite clear why John and May can't be identical to the Smiths.
Composition as identity is false, as it implies that things never change their parts [Merricks]
     Full Idea: Composition as identity implies that no persisting object ever changes its parts, which is clearly false, so composition as identity is false.
     From: Trenton Merricks (Objects and Persons [2003], §1.IV)
     A reaction: Presumably Lewis can say that when a thing subtly changes its parts, it really does lose its strict identity, but becomes another 'time-slice' or close 'counterpart' of the original object. This is a coherent view, but I disagree. I'm a believer.
There is no visible difference between statues, and atoms arranged statuewise [Merricks]
     Full Idea: If we imagine a world like ours except that, while there are atoms arranged statuewise in that world, there are no statues, amount of looking around could distinguish that imagined world from ours.
     From: Trenton Merricks (Objects and Persons [2003], §2.V)
     A reaction: This is one of his arguments for ontological eliminativism about physical objects. If we accept the argument, it will wreak havoc with our entire ontology, and we will end up anti-realists. I say you have to see statues - you just can't miss them.
Composition is asymmetric and transitive [Simons]
     Full Idea: Composition is asymmetric and transitive: if a is made up of b, and b of c, then a is made up of c; and if a is made of b, then b is not made up of a. We cannot say the snow is made up of the snowball.
     From: Peter Simons (Parts [1987], 6.5)
     A reaction: ...And snowballs composed of snow can then compose a snowman (transitivity).
The idea of composition, that parts of the world are 'made of' something, is no longer helpful [Ladyman/Ross]
     Full Idea: It is no longer helpful to conceive of either the world, or particular systems of the world that we study in partial isolation, as 'made of' anything at all. …Our target here is the metaphysical idea of composition.
     From: J Ladyman / D Ross (Every Thing Must Go [2007], 1.1)
     A reaction: This is argued by them from the point of view of fundamental physics as the provider of our basic metaphysics about the world. Personally I really really want to know what electrons are made of, but I know no one is going to tell me. They may even laugh.
Complex particulars are either masses, or composites, or sets [Hossack]
     Full Idea: Complex particulars are of at least three types: masses (which sum, of which we do not ask 'how many?' but 'how much?'); composite individuals (how many?, and summing usually fails); and sets (only divisible one way, unlike composites).
     From: Keith Hossack (Plurals and Complexes [2000], 1)
     A reaction: A composite pile of grains of sand gradually becomes a mass, and drops of water become 'water everywhere'. A set of people divides into individual humans, but redescribe the elements as the union of males and females?
The relation of composition is indispensable to the part-whole relation for individuals [Hossack]
     Full Idea: The relation of composition seems to be indispensable in a correct account of the part-whole relation for individuals.
     From: Keith Hossack (Plurals and Complexes [2000], 7)
     A reaction: This is the culmination of a critical discussion of mereology and ontological atomism. At first blush it doesn't look as if 'composition' has much chance of being a precise notion, and it will be plagued with vagueness.