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Single Idea 21429

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / g. Love]

Full Idea

The duty of love for one's neighbour can be expressed as the duty to make others' ends my own (provided they are not immoral).

Gist of Idea

The duty of love is to makes the ends of others one's own


Immanuel Kant (Metaphysics of Morals II:Doctrine of Virtue [1797], 449 I.II)

A Reaction

An interesting idea. Kant's remarks on love and respect seem distorted, to shoehorn them into his system of end/means and maxims. If I love someone, should I continually enquire what their current ends are?

Book Reference

Kant,Immanuel: 'The Metaphysics of Morals', ed/tr. Gregor,Mary [CUP 1991], p.244

Related Idea

Idea 21430 Disrespect is using a person as a mere means to my own ends [Kant]