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Ideas of Euripides, by Text

[Greek, c.484 - 407 BCE, Born and lived in Athens. Wrote many tragic dramas. Died in Macedonia.]

407BCE The Bacchae
201 p. Our ancient beliefs can never be overthrown by subtle arguments
     Full Idea: Teiresias: We have no use for theological subtleties./ The beliefs we have inherited, as old as time,/ Cannot be overthrown by any argument,/ Nor by the most inventive ingenuity.
     From: Euripides (The Bacchae [c.407 BCE], 201)
     A reaction: [trans. Philip Vellacott (Penguin)] Compare Idea 8243. While very conservative societies have amazing resilience in maintaining traditional beliefs, modern culture eats into them, not directly by argument, but by arguments at fifth remove.