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Ideas of Will Sommers, by Text

[, fl. 2020, Court jester to the philosophy community.]

2019 talk
p. F(x) walked into a bar. The barman said..
     Full Idea: F(x) walked into a bar. The barman said, 'Sorry, we don't cater for functions'.
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Sartre to Waitress: Coffee with no cream, please...
     Full Idea: Sartre to Waitress: Coffee with no cream, please. Waitress: Sorry, we're out of cream; would no milk do?
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. There once was a man who said: 'God...
     Full Idea: There once was a man who said: 'God/ Must think it exceedingly odd/ If he finds that this tree/ Continues to be,/ When there's no-one about in the Quad.' [Ronald Knox] (reply in 12404)
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Barman to Descartes: Would you like another drink?...
     Full Idea: Barman to Descartes: Would you like another drink? Descartes: I think not (...and promptly vanishes)
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. A toper who spies in the distance...
     Full Idea: A toper who spies in the distance,/ Striped tigers, will get some assistance/ From reading Descartes,/ Who holds that it's part/ Of his duty to doubt their existence. ... [Leslie Johnson] - (continued in 12402)
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Said Plato: 'The things that we feel...
     Full Idea: Said Plato: 'The things that we feel/ Are not ontologically real,/ But just the excrescence/ Of numinous essence/ Our senses can never reveal.' [Basil Ransome-Davis]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. There was a young student called Fred...
     Full Idea: There was a young student called Fred,/ Who was questioned on Descartes and said:/ 'It's perfectly clear/ That I'm not really here,/ For I haven't a thought in my head.' [V.R. Ormerod]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. ..But if he's a student of Berkeley...
     Full Idea: (continued from 12401) ..But if he's a student of Berkeley,/ One thing will emerge, rather starkly,/ That he ought to believe/ What his senses perceive,/ No matter how dimly or darkly. [Leslie Johnson]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. The philosopher Berkeley once said..
     Full Idea: The philosopher Berkeley once said/ In the dark to a maid in his bed:/ 'No perception, my dear,/ Means I'm not really here,/ But only a thought in your head.' [P.W.R. Foot]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. "My dog's got synaesthesia." How does he smell? .....
     Full Idea: "My dog's got synaesthesia." How does he smell? "Purple."
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. There once was a man who said 'Damn!...
     Full Idea: There once was a man who said 'Damn!/ It is borne in upon me I am/ An engine that moves/ In predestinate grooves:/ I'm not even a bus, I'm a tram.' [M.E. Hare]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Dear Sir, Your astonishment's odd....
     Full Idea: (reply to 12403) Dear Sir, Your astonishment's odd:/ I am always about in the Quad./ And that's why the tree/ Will continue to be,/ Since observed by Yours faithfully, God.' [anon]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. A philosopher and his wife are out for a drive...
     Full Idea: A philosopher and his wife are out for a drive in the country. 'Oh look!' she says, 'Those sheep have been shorn.' 'Yes', says the philosopher, 'on this side'.
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Why do anarchists drink herbal tea?
     Full Idea: Why do anarchists drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft.
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. How do behaviourists greet each other?
     Full Idea: How do behaviourists greet each other? Hi - you're fine, how am I?
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. 'If you're aristocratic,' said Nietzsche...
     Full Idea: 'If you're aristocratic,' said Nietzsche,/ 'It's thumbs up, you're OK. Pleased to mietzsche./ If you're working-class bores,/ It's thumbs down and up yours!/ If you don't know your place, then I'll tietzsche.' [Gerry Hamill]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Cries the maid: 'You must marry me Hume!'...
     Full Idea: Cries the maid: 'You must marry me Hume!'/ A statement that made David fume./ He said: 'In cause and effect,/ There is a defect;/ That it's mine you can only assume.' [P.W.R. Foot]
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. Causation - we all thought we knew it/ Till Hume came along and saw through it/….
     Full Idea: Causation - we all thought we knew it / Till Hume came along and saw through it / We notice that A / Follows B every day / And frankly that's all there is to it.
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. The barman called 'Time!', and Augustine said.....
     Full Idea: The barman called 'Time!'. Augustine: 'I don't know what you mean, though I did before you said that'.
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])
p. The past, present and future walked into a bar....
     Full Idea: The past, present and future walked into a bar. It was tense.
     From: Will Sommers (talk [2019])