more from T Adorno / M Horkheimer

Single Idea 15663

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / H. Continental Philosophy / 5. Critical Theory]

Full Idea

Adorno and Horkheimer's analysis of Enlightenment sets the agenda for the subsequent development of critical theory.

Gist of Idea

Adorno and Horkheimer subjected the Enlightenment to 'critical theory' analysis


report of T Adorno / M Horkheimer (Dialectic of Enlightenment [1944]) by James Gordon Finlayson - Habermas Ch.1:07

Book Reference

Finlayson,James G.: 'Habermas' [OUP 2005], p.6

Related Idea

Idea 15661 Horkheimer's critical theory was interdisciplinary, and aware of its own context and function [Horkheimer, by Finlayson]