more from David M. Armstrong

Single Idea 8506

[catalogued under 8. Modes of Existence / D. Universals / 1. Universals]

Full Idea

I favour the Realist view that while we can distinguish the particularity of a particular from its properties, but the two 'factors' are too intimately together to speak of a relation between them.

Gist of Idea

Particulars and properties are distinguishable, but too close to speak of a relation


David M. Armstrong (Against 'Ostrich Nominalism' [1980], §3)

Book Reference

'Properties', ed/tr. Mellor,D.H. /Oliver,A [OUP 1997], p.109

A Reaction

Is Armstrong being a bit of an ostrich here? We could talk of part-whole relationships, or internal relations, or set membership, or coinciding objects, or bundles. We certainly ought to have a go. Armstrong approaches Quine here!