more from David M. Armstrong

Single Idea 8533

[catalogued under 19. Language / C. Assigning Meanings / 3. Predicates]

Full Idea

Must there not be something quite specific about the thing which allows, indeed ensures, that predicates like 'underneath' and 'hot' apply? The predicates require ontological correlates.

Gist of Idea

Predicates need ontological correlates to ensure that they apply


David M. Armstrong (Properties [1992], §1)

Book Reference

'Properties', ed/tr. Mellor,D.H. /Oliver,A [OUP 1997], p.164

A Reaction

An interesting proposal, that in addition to making use of predicates, we should 'ensure that they apply'. Sounds verificationist. Obvious problem cases would be speculative, controversial or metaphorical predicates. "He's beneath contempt".