more from A.J. Ayer

Single Idea 5209

[catalogued under 29. Religion / D. Religious Issues / 1. Religious Commitment / c. Religious Verification]

Full Idea

There cannot be any transcendent truths of religion, for the sentences which the theist uses to express such 'truths' are not literally significant.

Gist of Idea

The 'truths' expressed by theists are not literally significant


A.J. Ayer (Language,Truth and Logic [1936], Ch.6)

Book Reference

Ayer,A.J.: 'Language, Truth and Logic' [Penguin 1974], p.155

A Reaction

Ayer claims that only tautologies or empirically verifiable statements have literal significance. I say speculations, wild theories and fantasies are perfectly meaningful. Nevertheless, the words of many hymns and prayers look like empty rhetoric.