more from A.J. Ayer

Single Idea 5329

[catalogued under 17. Mind and Body / E. Mind as Physical / 1. Physical Mind]

Full Idea

If mind and brain exactly correspond we have as good ground for saying the brain depends on the mind as the other way round; if predominance is given to the brain, the reason is that it fits into a wider explanatory system.

Gist of Idea

Why shouldn't we say brain depends on mind? Better explanation!


A.J. Ayer (The Central Questions of Philosophy [1973], §VI.D)

Book Reference

Ayer,A.J.: 'The Central Questions of Philosophy' [Penguin 1976], p.130

A Reaction

A small but significant point. If an 'identity' theory is to be developed, then this step in the argument has to be justified. It is tempting here to move to the eliminativist view, because we no longer have to worry about a 'direction of priority'.