more from Alexander Baumgarten

Single Idea 8063

[catalogued under 21. Aesthetics / A. Aesthetic Experience / 1. Aesthetics]

Full Idea

Baumgarten founded aesthetics in the year 1750.

Gist of Idea

Baumgarten founded aesthetics in 1750


report of Alexander Baumgarten (Aesthetica [1739]) by Leo Tolstoy - What is Art? Ch.2

Book Reference

Tolstoy,Leo: 'What is Art? and Essays on Art', ed/tr. Maude,A [OUP 1975], p.86

A Reaction

He gave it a label, separated it off from the rest of philosophy, and made taste the main focus. The philosophy of art goes back to at least Plato's 'Republic' and 'Symposium'.