more from Alexander Bird

Single Idea 9507

[catalogued under 26. Natural Theory / D. Laws of Nature / 1. Laws of Nature]

Full Idea

The laws of a domain are the fundamental, general explanatory relationships between kinds, quantities, and qualities of that domain, that supervene upon the essential natures of those things.

Gist of Idea

Laws are explanatory relationships of things, which supervene on their essences


Alexander Bird (Nature's Metaphysics [2007], 10.1)

Book Reference

Bird,Alexander: 'Nature's Metaphysics' [OUP 2007], p.208

A Reaction

This is the scientific essentialist view of laws [see entries there, in 'Laws of Nature']. There seems uncertainty between 'kinds' and 'qualities' (with 'quantities' looking like a category mistake). I vote, with Ellis, for natural kinds as the basis.