more from Paul Boghossian

Single Idea 9384

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / A. A Priori Knowledge / 11. Denying the A Priori]

Full Idea

It is consistent with a belief's being a priori in the strong sense that we should have pragmatic reasons for dropping it from our best overall theory.

Gist of Idea

We may have strong a priori beliefs which we pragmatically drop from our best theory


Paul Boghossian (Analyticity Reconsidered [1996], n 6)

Book Reference

-: 'Nous' [-], p.21

A Reaction

Does 'dropping it' from the theory mean just ignoring it, or actually denying it? C.I. Lewis is the ancestor of this view. Could it be our 'best' theory, while conflicting with beliefs that were strongly a priori? Pragmatism can embrace falsehoods.