more from R.G. Collingwood

Single Idea 20421

[catalogued under 21. Aesthetics / B. Nature of Art / 7. Ontology of Art]

Full Idea

For Collingwood (and Croce) the work of art is an ideal object; …they are things that exist only in the mind, that is, only when one perceives. …The physical work exists to make this experience available.

Gist of Idea

Art exists ideally, purely as experiences in the mind of the perceiver


report of R.G. Collingwood (The Principles of Art [1938]) by Gary Kemp - Croce and Collingwood 2

Book Reference

'Key Thinkers in Aesthetics', ed/tr. Giovannelli,Alessandro [Continuum 2012], p.103

A Reaction

This means that the paintings in a gallery cease to be works of art when the gallery is shut, which sounds odd. I suppose 'work of art' is ambiguous, between the experience (right) and the facilitator of the experience (wrong).