more from Gilles Deleuze

Single Idea 21842

[catalogued under 2. Reason / C. Styles of Reason / 1. Dialectic]

Full Idea

You should not try to find whether an idea is just or correct. You should look for a completely different idea, elsewhere, in another area, so that something passes between the two which is neither in one nor the other.

Gist of Idea

Don't assess ideas for truth or justice; look for another idea, and establish a relationship with it


Gilles Deleuze (A Conversation: what is it? What is it for? [1977], I)

Book Reference

Deleuze,Gilles: 'Dialogues II' [Continuum 2006], p.8

A Reaction

Neither relativism nor dialectic. Sounds like just having fun with ideas, but a commentator tells me it is a strategy for liberating our thought, following an agenda created by Nietzsche.