more from Ludwig Feuerbach

Single Idea 6928

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / b. Philosophy as transcendent]

Full Idea

Only that which can be an object of religion is an object of philosophy.

Gist of Idea

Only that which can be an object of religion is an object of philosophy


Ludwig Feuerbach (Principles of Philosophy of the Future [1843], §35)

Book Reference

Feuerbach,Ludwig: 'Principles of the Philosophy of the Future', ed/tr. Vogel,M [Hackett 1986], p.54

A Reaction

The temple of Pythagoras at Solon sounds like an embodiment of this idea. The obvious candidate would be truth, to which philosophers must show almost religious respect. Some what motivates the philosophy of a minimalist (Idea 3750)?

Related Idea

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