more from Johann Fichte

Single Idea 6912

[catalogued under 2. Reason / A. Nature of Reason / 7. Status of Reason]

Full Idea

For Fichte there is no God outside the ego, and 'our religion is reason'.

Gist of Idea

For Fichte there is no God outside the ego, and 'our religion is reason'


report of Johann Fichte (works [1798]) by Ludwig Feuerbach - Principles of Philosophy of the Future §17

Book Reference

Feuerbach,Ludwig: 'Principles of the Philosophy of the Future', ed/tr. Vogel,M [Hackett 1986], p.29

A Reaction

Fichte was not an atheist, but this seems to be a supreme aphorism for summarising our image of the Englightenment. Personally I subscribe to the Enlightenment ideal (the best life is the rational life), despite doubts about 'pure' reason.