more from Harry G. Frankfurt

Single Idea 9230

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 3. Pleasure / a. Nature of pleasure]

Full Idea

Besides wanting to fulfil his desire, the person who cares about what he desires wants something else as well: he wants the desire to be sustained.

Gist of Idea

People want to fulfill their desires, but also for their desires to be sustained


Harry G. Frankfurt (The Reasons of Love [2005], 1.6)

Book Reference

Frankfurt,Harry G.: 'The Reasons of Love' [Princeton 2006], p.16

A Reaction

Plato, in 'Gorgias', makes this fact sound like a nightmare, resembling drug addiction, but in Frankfurt's formulation it looks like a good thing. If you want to make your family happy because you love them, you would dread finding your love had died.