more from Katherine Hawley

Single Idea 16196

[catalogued under 9. Objects / E. Objects over Time / 3. Three-Dimensionalism]

Full Idea

Endurance theory is not just a default 'no-theory' theory, for it must incorporate a sophisticated account of properties and instantiation, and requires a certain view of time if it is even to be formulable.

Gist of Idea

Endurance is a sophisticated theory, covering properties, instantiation and time


Katherine Hawley (How Things Persist [2001], 1.8)

Book Reference

Hawley,Katherine: 'How Things Persist' [OUP 2004], p.35

A Reaction

A bit odd to claim it is a sophisticated theory when it is held (at least in our culture) by absolutely everyone apart from a few philosophers and physicists. The sophistication may come with trying to describe it using current metaphysical vocabulary.