more from Georg W.F.Hegel

Single Idea 22083

[catalogued under 7. Existence / D. Theories of Reality / 2. Realism]

Full Idea

Hegel believed, unlike Kant, that the categories of the understanding, when properly understood, disclose the nature of things in themselves and not just the character of things as they appear to us.

Gist of Idea

Hegel believe that the genuine categories reveal things in themselves


report of Georg W.F.Hegel (Science of Logic [1816]) by Stephen Houlgate - Hegel p.101

Book Reference

'A Companion to Continental Philosophy', ed/tr. Critchley,S/Schroeder,W [Blackwell 1999], p.101

A Reaction

'Properly understood' sounds like 'no true Scotsman'. This is thoroughgoing idealism, because reality is determined by the activity of the mind, and not from outside. The Hegel story makes more sense if you see the categories as evolutionary.

Related Idea

Idea 22084 Authentic thinking and reality have the same content [Hegel]