more from 'History of the Concept of Time' by Martin Heidegger

Single Idea 15582

[catalogued under 1. Philosophy / D. Nature of Philosophy / 5. Aims of Philosophy / d. Philosophy as puzzles]

Full Idea

Perhaps it is precisely the task of philosophical investigation ultimately to deprive many problems of their sham existence.

Gist of Idea

Perhaps the aim of philosophy is to abolish sham problems


Martin Heidegger (History of the Concept of Time [1925], p.162), quoted by Richard Polt - Heidegger: an introduction 3.§43-44

Book Reference

Polt,Richard: 'Heidegger: an introduction' [Routledge 2003], p.81

A Reaction

Polt notes how very Wittgensteinian this remark is. I take this to be a very minor task of philosophy. The main task is to address the real problems. It's amazing how many people love this sort of remark. I wonder why?