more from Jonathan D. Jacobs

Single Idea 12469

[catalogued under 10. Modality / E. Possible worlds / 1. Possible Worlds / e. Against possible worlds]

Full Idea

If we want our semantics for modality to give us insight into the truthmakers for modality, then possible worlds semantics is inadequate.

Gist of Idea

Possible worlds semantics gives little insight into modality


Jonathan D. Jacobs (A Powers Theory of Modality [2010], §4.4)

Book Reference

-: 'Philosophical Studies' [-], p.17

A Reaction

[See the other ideas of Jacobs (and Jubien) for this] It is an interesting question whether a semantics for a logic is meant to give us insight into how things really are, or whether it just builds nice models. Satisfaction, or truth?

Related Idea

Idea 5483 Essentialists deny possible worlds, and say possibilities are what is compatible with the actual world [Ellis]