more from Peter Klein

Single Idea 8833

[catalogued under 2. Reason / A. Nature of Reason / 6. Coherence]

Full Idea

A key question for a coherentist is, why should he or she adopt a coherent set of beliefs rather than an incoherent set?

Gist of Idea

Why should we prefer coherent beliefs?


Peter Klein (Infinitism solution to regress problem [2005], 'Step 1')

Book Reference

'Contemporary Debates in Epistemology', ed/tr. Steup,M/Sosa,E [Blackwell 2005], p.135

A Reaction

The point of the question is that the coherentist may have to revert to other criteria in answering it. One could equally ask, why should I believe in tables just because I vividly experience them? Or, why believe 2+2=4, just because it is obvious?