more from Paul O'Grady

Single Idea 4720

[catalogued under 12. Knowledge Sources / B. Perception / 4. Sense Data / d. Sense-data problems]

Full Idea

The reason sense-data were immune from doubt was because they were so primitive; they were unstructured and below the level of conceptualisation. Once they were given structure and conceptualised, they were no longer safe from sceptical challenge.


'Sense-data' are raw unprocessed experiences

Gist of Idea

Sense-data are only safe from scepticism if they are primitive and unconceptualised


Paul O'Grady (Relativism [2002], Ch.4)

Book Reference

O'Grady,Paul: 'Relativism' [Acumen 2002], p.93

A Reaction

The question of whether sense-data are conceptualised doesn't have to be all-or-nothing. As concepts creep in, so does scepticism, but so what? Sensible philosophers live with scepticism, like a mad aunt in the attic.