more from Francesco Orsi

Single Idea 18680

[catalogued under 7. Existence / C. Structure of Existence / 5. Supervenience / a. Nature of supervenience]

Full Idea

It is no part of supervenience that 'if p then q' entails 'if not p then not q'. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is common (though not more accurate) to describe supervenience in negative terms: no difference in A without a difference in B.

Gist of Idea

To avoid misunderstandings supervenience is often expressed negatively: no A-change without B-change


Francesco Orsi (Value Theory [2015], 5.2)

Book Reference

Orsi,Francesco: 'Value Theory' [Bloomsbury 2015], p.82

A Reaction

[compressed] In other words it is important to avoid the presupposition that the given supervenience is a two-way relation. The paradigm case of supervenience is stalking.