more from W. David Ross

Single Idea 5921

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / C. The Good / 1. Goodness / a. Form of the Good]

Full Idea

While it can be intelligently asked whether the pleasant or beautiful has value, it cannot be intelligently asked whether the good has value, since the good is just to be valuable.

Gist of Idea

We can ask of pleasure or beauty whether they are valuable, but not of goodness


W. David Ross (The Right and the Good [1930], §IV)

Book Reference

Ross,W.David: 'The Right and the Good' [OUP 1930], p.105

A Reaction

It is simply tautological that goodness has value, and that valuable things are good. But an assassin might 'value' a 'good' way of killing someone, or an instrument of torture. We might say "He values x, but x is bad". Still, he must think x is good.