more from Michael J. Sandel

Single Idea 22266

[catalogued under 25. Social Practice / E. Policies / 2. Religion in Society]

Full Idea

Unless there were reason to believe that religious beliefs and practices contribute to morally admirable ways of life, the case for a right to religious liberty would be weakened.

Gist of Idea

The case for religious liberty depends on the religion contributing to a morally good life


Michael J. Sandel (The Limits of Communitarianism [1998], 'Religious')

Book Reference

Sandel,Michael J.: 'Public Philosophy: Essays' [Harvard 2005], p.257

A Reaction

I think many religious people would deny that their religion is primarily moral. (W.Blake: 'If morality is Christianity, then Socrates was the saviour'). Whose concept of a morally good life is Sandel referring to?