more from Roger Scruton

Single Idea 7589

[catalogued under 23. Ethics / C. Virtue Theory / 3. Virtues / h. Respect]

Full Idea

Two distinct motives go by the name of altruism: the emotions of liking, love and friendship, making another's interest automatically mine; and the moral motive of respect or considerateness, where another's interests become reasons for me, but not mine.

Gist of Idea

Altruism is either emotional (where your interests are mine) or moral (where they are reasons for me)


Roger Scruton (A Dictionary of Political Thought [1982], 'altruism')

Book Reference

Scruton,Roger: 'A Dictionary of Political Thought' [Pan 1983], p.14

A Reaction

The second one has a strongly Kantian flavour, with its notion of impersonal duty. Virtue theorists will aspire to achieve the first state rather than the second, because good actions are then actively desired, and give pleasure to the doer.